English Grammar Recitation II – Student Guide (Second Edition) $19.50


English Grammar Recitation II Student Workbook, Second Edition
We’ve been saying for years that Latin teaches English grammar better than English teaches English grammar, and now we have written a course that makes the perfect English grammar supplement for your Latin program. Memoria Press’ English Grammar Recitation II is a manual of about 150 grammar questions, answers, and examples designed to be studied and memorized much like a catechism. Students memorize the terminology and definitions of analytical grammar, much like they memorize forms in Latin.

English Grammar Recitation is perfect for the serious Latin student who needs an English grammar program that coordinates with their study of Latin over the five years of Latina Christiana through the Form series.

Brief exercises, including some diagramming, do accompany these grammar questions; however, the mastery of the English grammar catechism is the primary goal of this course, not its application. English Grammar Recitation also covers capitalization and punctuation through recitation. Students recite the rules and demonstrate their correct use through dictation of model sentences. It is hoped that this course can be completed in much less time than the typical English grammar course, leaving more time for composition and Latin.

Required supplement: English Grammar Recitation is unique because it is consistent with the trivium stages of learning. It emphasizes memorization of facts first as the necessary preparation for the logic-level skills of diagramming and analysis. It covers common capitalization and punctuation rules, and approximately 150 grammar facts in a logical and systematic sequence. English Grammar Recitation is a comprehensive list of all the grammar facts covered in our English Grammar Recitation program.

Additional information
Weight .4 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .2 in


Published Date



Cheryl Lowe,
Joyce Cothran


Memoria Press




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