Story Lives of Master Musicians $19.50$47.50


From the introduction:

While the aim has been to make the story-sketches interesting to young people, the author hopes that they may prove valuable to musical readers of all ages. Students of piano, violin or other instruments need to know how the great composers lived their lives. In every musical career described in this book, from the old masters represented by Bach and Beethoven to the musical prophets of our own day, there is a wealth of inspiration and practical guidance for the artist in any field. Through their struggles, sorrows and triumphs, divine melody and harmony came into being, which will bless the world for all time to come.

Additional information
Weight .4 kg
Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 × .8 in

Harriette Brower

Date Published



Living Press Books


Paperback BW, Hardcover BW, Paperback Colour, Hardcover Colour

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