From the Publisher:
The Mystery of History Volume I, Third Edition Student Reader (Text) comes with a one-time download code for this
Companion Guide* (loaded with curriculum for all ages!) But, if you
prefer paper to a download, this duplicate product is for you! Our printed
Companion Guide is three-hole punched and not bound – to allow for perfect storage in a 1.5-inch or 2-inch three-ring binder. (Binder not included.) Our Companion Guide offers: pretests, activities, quizzes, timeline directions, mapping exercises, literature lists, and much more for an engaging journey through ancient times!
Under our single-family license, you are allowed to photocopy pages of this
Companion Guide for multiple students in your family, such as quizzes, charts, and crossword puzzles. (Co-ops and classrooms require proper licensing through Bright Ideas Press.)
*The Third Edition
Companion Guide is compatible with the
Second Edition audiobook.
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