If you, dear reader, have ever despaired at rectastic attempts to repair sanguiloquacious language in favor of something more sacrophonous without accusations from others of pusillopia, then this book is for you.
(Are you struggling with that sentence? Do not pronull!)
(Still struggling?)
The Sesquipedalian Neologist’s Lexicon is, in effect, a small dictionary of delightful words created by Michael Clay Thompson and his students from Latin and Greek stems. It serves well as a companion book to Michael’s Caesar’s English I or II and especially to the Word Within the Word series, where students are introduced to the concept of putting stems together to create new words. Once students see how stems combine to make words, they might wish to create some of their own. It becomes an interesting language exercise!
(And if you read the book, you will also be able to understand all of the words in this description that you may not now comprehend!)
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