God's Great Covenant: Old Testament 1 - Student Edition × 2 God's Great Covenant: Old Testament 1 - Teacher's Edition × 2 God's Great Covenant Old Testament 1 - Audio Files × 2 God's Great Covenant - Old Testament: Timeline and Map Set × 2
God's Great Covenant: Old Testament 1 - Student Edition × 2 God's Great Covenant: Old Testament 1 - Teacher's Edition × 2 God's Great Covenant Old Testament 1 - Audio Files × 2 God's Great Covenant - Old Testament: Timeline and Map Set × 2
A Novel on William the Silent
King Philip II of Spain is prepared to make any concession to the lowlands, except freedom of conscience and worship and thus William of Orange continues in the struggle for true liberty. More important noblemen and personal friends sacrifice their lives, leaving few of William’s original friends alive. But Charlotte de Bourbon is ready to encourage her hero despite all the crises he must endure. When Leyden is under siege William becomes ill. Will the cause have to be given up?
King Philip, in the meantime, is furious because he cannot get rid of William. Everyone on his black list is dead but not the most important one: William of Orange. In a fury he writes the Ban and publishes it abroad. With this permission to dispose of his enemy in any way, the King is sure someone will kill William for him. After all, they will receive a great reward: a high position and name, wealth, fame . . . Will King Philip’s plan succeed?
The sequel to Prince and Heretic, by Marjorie Bowen.
God's Great Covenant: Old Testament 1 - Student Edition × 2 God's Great Covenant: Old Testament 1 - Teacher's Edition × 2 God's Great Covenant Old Testament 1 - Audio Files × 2 God's Great Covenant - Old Testament: Timeline and Map Set × 2