Writing and Rhetoric Book 11: Thesis, Part 2 Set

By: Paul Kortepeter

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $65.56.

A Creative Approach to the Classical Progymnasmata—Think of the progymnasmata as a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric. What is an apprentice? It is a young person who is learning a skill from a master teacher. Our students will serve as apprentices to the great writers and great stories of history.

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Writing and Rhetoric Book 11: Thesis, Part 2 - Student Edition

Original price was: $32.50.Current price is: $30.88.

Writing and Rhetoric Book 11: Thesis, Part 2 – Teacher Edition

Original price was: $36.50.Current price is: $34.68.

Product Description

Writing and Rhetoric Book 11: Thesis, Part 2 – Student Edition: In this book, students will implement what they learned about writing well-crafted persuasive thesis essays in Writing & Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis Part 1 and advance those skills by creating dynamic and powerful speeches. A vital part of rhetoric, oratory connects thinking and writing to the indispensable art of public speaking. Students will learn from masters of oratory, past and present, by studying the great speeches of Cicero, Thurgood Marshall, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, and Malala Yousafzai, among others. When preparing and delivering their speeches, students will utilize the 5 canons of rhetoric and the common topics of invention to help them discover and refine their theses.

Thesis Part 2 is designed to build students’ confidence in public speaking, teaching them the habits of excellent delivery and proper breathing. Incorporating the skills learned throughout the series, students will research, write, and then deliver 3 practice speeches (or declamations) of their own creation in the manner of the traditional branches of rhetoric: judicial, ceremonial, and political. As students gain skill, they will learn to delight in discourse as a way “to enlighten the understanding, please the imagination, move the passion, and influence the will” (George Campbell).

Writing & Rhetoric Book 11: Thesis, Part 2 – Teacher’s Edition: This book includes the complete student text, as well as answer keys, teacher’s notes, and explanations. This teacher’s edition supplies descriptions and examples of what excellent student writing should be like for every writing assignment, providing the teacher with meaningful and concrete guidance.

NOTE: There are no audio files for Writing & Rhetoric Book 11: Thesis Part 2.

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Paul Kortepeter


Classical Academic Press




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