The Australian and New Zealand portions of H.E. Marshalls classic history of the English Empire are presented in this edition complete with the original illustrations and tables.
In response to a world awash in sexual chaos and gender confusion, this book offers a bold and thoroughly biblical look at the meaning of the body, sex, gender, and marriage.
Bestselling author, cultural commentator, and popular theologian Christopher West is one of the world's most recognized teachers of John Paul II's Theology of the Body. He specializes in making this teaching accessible to all Christians, with particular attention to evangelicals. As West explains, from beginning to end the Bible tells a story of marriage. It begins with the marriage of man and woman in an earthly paradise and ends with the marriage of Christ and the church in an eternal paradise.
In our post-sexual-revolution world, we need to remember that our bodies tell a divine story and proclaim the gospel itself. As male and female and in the call to become "one flesh," our bodies reveal a "great mystery" that mirrors Christ's love for the church (Eph. 5:31-32). This book provides a redemptive rather than repressive approach to sexual purity, explores the true meaning of sex and marriage, and offers a compelling vision of what it means to be created male and female.
Foreword by Eric Metaxas
1. Our Bodies Tell God's Story
2. Sex in the Garden of Eden
3. The Fall and Redemption of Sex
4. Will There Be Sex in Heaven?
5. This Is a Profound Mystery
6. Sex Refers to Christ and His Church
7. Keeping God in the Bedroom
What is a community? How does a community satisfy the needs of its members?
This easy-to-follow activity book emphasizes the social and physical needs of citizens in a community and relates those concepts to the everyday lives of primary students.
For eons the moon has intrigued humanity. From its creation through the current issues of space exploration, the moon has been both a light in the night and a protective shield of earth placed perfectly by God, regulating our seasons and keeping our atmosphere purified.
Dr. Donald DeYoung displays the latest discoveries of astronomy and lunar science to analyze flawed views of the moon's origin. In this illustrated presentation he shows that the moon could only have been placed in its orbit by the Creator, not blind chance.
Our Hymn Writers and Their Hymns traces the development of the hymn from the early Christian church to the present day and helps us better understand the history and tradition of Christian singing.
This beloved history book traces the story of England from the myth of Brutus right through to the end of World War 1 in a delightful, engaging style that has made it a favorite of readers for many years.
Caldecott Medal winner Emily Arnold McCully delivers a charming picture book following the life of prolific composer and musician Franz Schubert through the eyes of the friends who helped him find success.
SampleThis book examines the moral principles necessary to live the Christian life, which is focused on imitating Christ and promoting the Kingdom of God. It presents a thorough overview of a moral theology not only to be studied but also to be lived according to the will of God. The Didache Complete Course Series is a series of four high school textbooks, teacher's manuals, and student workbooks published by Midwest Theological Forum. Each title spans one academic year.
SampleThis Student Workbook is an accompaniment to Our Moral Life in Christ: A Complete Course (Third Edition); it allows the student to engage the moral law through compelling and meaningful exercises. Using combinations of multiple choice, fill in the blank, and short answer questions, the students recall and apply concepts from the textbook to their own lives.This Student Workbook has perforated pages so students may turn in their work. It also includes a compilation of common Catholic prayers and devotions.
SampleThis Revised Third Edition of the Teacher's Manual is designed to help the instructor actively engage students in discussions, activities, and reviews that investigate the basis for and foster greater understanding of living a Christ-centered, moral life in the modern world. It is a companion to the textbook Our Moral Life in Christ: A Complete Course.
Resources in this Teacher's Manual include:
The student textbook;
Detailed lesson plans for each chapter, complete with Anticipatory Sets, Focus Questions, Guided Exercises, Closure activities, and Alternative Assessments;
End of Chapter Materials, including Long-Term Assignments, answers to the Study Questions in the student textbook, responses to the Practical Exercises, and notes for presenting additional information from the Catechism of the Catholic Church;
Answers to the Student Workbook;
Chapter Tests, Quizzes, and Vocabulary Reviews with answer keys;
Downloadable Tests, Quizzes, and Vocabulary Reviews are available; and
Click here for a sample.
The importance of the spoken and written word in Christian culture cannot be overestimated. In this English grammar guide, Nancy Wilson surveys the major concepts in English grammar for beginners at the late elementary and junior high level, or even adults seeking a brush-up.
Our Mother Tongue dishes up examples and exercises that go beyond the stereotypical, contrived sentences serving merely to illustrate a point, and relies on selections from Scripture and great English literature to instruct students with regard to content, style, and structure. In addition to a helpful format that highlights key definitions, punctuation issues, and important concepts, short historical sidebars tell the fascinating story of the development of English.
Nancy Wilson continues the traditional and challenging exercise of sentence diagramming, which trains students to quickly analyze the structure of any given sentence. The grammatical explanations, the logic of diagrams, and the rhetoric of her examples blend with complementary emphases to create a helpful classical and Christian text.
Answer Key available here.
This manual explores the general features of our solar system, as well as the Sun, the inner and outer planets, asteroids and meteors, craters, and more. It also covers the concepts of revolution and rotation. It presents simple explanations with intriguing activities using readily available materials, offering children opportunities to learn in fun and hands-on ways.