SampleThis Revised Third Edition of the Teacher's Manual is designed to help the instructor actively engage students in discussions, activities, and reviews that investigate the basis for and foster greater understanding of living a Christ-centered, moral life in the modern world. It is a companion to the textbook Our Moral Life in Christ: A Complete Course.
Resources in this Teacher's Manual include:
The student textbook;
Detailed lesson plans for each chapter, complete with Anticipatory Sets, Focus Questions, Guided Exercises, Closure activities, and Alternative Assessments;
End of Chapter Materials, including Long-Term Assignments, answers to the Study Questions in the student textbook, responses to the Practical Exercises, and notes for presenting additional information from the Catechism of the Catholic Church;
Answers to the Student Workbook;
Chapter Tests, Quizzes, and Vocabulary Reviews with answer keys;
Downloadable Tests, Quizzes, and Vocabulary Reviews are available; and
Click here for a sample.
The importance of the spoken and written word in Christian culture cannot be overestimated. In this English grammar guide, Nancy Wilson surveys the major concepts in English grammar for beginners at the late elementary and junior high level, or even adults seeking a brush-up.
Our Mother Tongue dishes up examples and exercises that go beyond the stereotypical, contrived sentences serving merely to illustrate a point, and relies on selections from Scripture and great English literature to instruct students with regard to content, style, and structure. In addition to a helpful format that highlights key definitions, punctuation issues, and important concepts, short historical sidebars tell the fascinating story of the development of English.
Nancy Wilson continues the traditional and challenging exercise of sentence diagramming, which trains students to quickly analyze the structure of any given sentence. The grammatical explanations, the logic of diagrams, and the rhetoric of her examples blend with complementary emphases to create a helpful classical and Christian text.
Answer Key available here.
This manual explores the general features of our solar system, as well as the Sun, the inner and outer planets, asteroids and meteors, craters, and more. It also covers the concepts of revolution and rotation. It presents simple explanations with intriguing activities using readily available materials, offering children opportunities to learn in fun and hands-on ways.
This edition of Charlotte Mason’s Home Education Series is presented complete and unabridged, retaining the pagination of the original to make research and referencing easy. All the books have been fully transcribed and formatted using a clean and easy-to-read font so that there’s no excuse not to read these revolutionary works.
Stephanie Tolan set out to help her highly gifted son have a school experience that matched his intellectual ability and pace of learning. In the process, she became an advocate for gifted children and has played a major part in reshaping thinking about giftedness itself. This book is a collection of her essays and talks that are now part of the fabric of the most advanced thinking about gifted people.
It’s not your imagination: civilized human society is collapsing. Communities no longer work towards a common good; children are no longer our first priority; businesses no longer value “hard work”; arts and skills have been lost; and gender is decided by the individual, not biology.
We cannot reverse national and global trends, says professor Anthony Esolen; but we can build communities that live up to humanity’s promise and responsibility. In Out of the Ashes, Esolen identifies the gaping problems in our society and lays out a blueprint for reconstruction that puts our future in the hands of individuals focused on the good of the local community.
Stephen Lungu was the oldest son of a teenage mother, married off to a much older man by her parents, and living in a black township near Salisbury, Zimbabwe. When he was three his mother ran away, leaving him, and his younger brother and sister, in the reluctant care of an aunt. By eleven Stephen too had run away, preferring life on the streets.
To survive, he slept under bridges and scavenged food from white folks' dustbins. As a teenager he was recruited into one of the urban gangs, called the Black Shadows, which ran a programme of theft and thuggery with a half-focused dream of revolution. When a travelling evangelist came to town, Stephen was sent to fire bomb the event, carrying his bag of bombs and mingling with the crowd.
Instead of throwing bombs he stayed to listen ... what followed was better than fiction.
"Dust piles up like snow across the prairie. . . ."
A terrible accident has transformed Billie Jo's life, scarring her inside and out. Her mother is gone. Her father can't talk about it. And the one thing that might make her feel better -- playing the piano -- is impossible with her wounded hands...
In the first book of C.S. Lewis's acclaimed Space Trilogy, Dr. Ransom is abducted to the eerie red planet, Malacandra, where his escape and flight endanger his life and chances of returning to earth.
Used in Charlotte Mason’s schools, Herbert Hatch’s Outdoor Geography provides teachers with 100 lessons in practical geography, complete with experiments, activities, questions, and answers to help students understand the world around them.
Delightful nature stories for the young and young at heart!
Originally published in 1903 and here reproduced with the original whimsical artwork, Outdoor Secrets is a great addition to any home where nature is welcome!
Learn the secrets that may be hiding in your own backyard:
Where does the apple blossom go?
Of what use is an earthworm?
How can a golden-rod save a person’s life?
What message might a robin bring?
Why should a cherry-tree grow in every direction?
What good does the March wind do?
And more . . .
Along with these secrets come simple life lessons woven into the living stories—gentle lessons about respecting others, working hard, and being patient.