Patricia St John was a British Christian writer. She trained as a nurse during World WarII and later worked as a house mother at Claredon School for Girls, a boarding school run by her aunt. She eventually joined her brother on the missions field in Tangiers.
Included in this bundle are some of her most memorable stories for young readers. You'll need to choose 9 books in order to take advantage of the bundle pricing. Please note that the total cost will change depending on which books you choose.
The story of Patrick's life, from his noble birth in Britain to his being captured and taken to Ireland by a group of bandits, to the "dreams" that led him to convert the Irish people to the Christian faith. DePaola also retells several well-known legends, including the story of how Patrick got rid of all the snakes in Ireland."
Regarding the Patterns of Nature Teacher Manual, the publisher says: “The teacher’s manual booklet gives instructions on teaching the lessons and contains the answer key.”
Paul Fleisher’s Secrets of the Universe series, complete with updated resources and reprinted for the first time with all of the original images.
This bundle contains-
The Boston Tea Party had just taken place, and Paul had the critically important task of taking letters about it to other colonies so that they could all stand together in a united front that would soon lead to the United States.
From the Publisher:
The author presents the boyhood of the well-known Boston silversmith and patriot of the Revolution, famous for his ride to warn the countryside of the approaching British.
An intimate portrait of a complex individual through whom God was at work, turning the world upside down. With vivid imagination and scholarly depth, award-winning author Walter Wangerin Jr. weaves together the history of the early church with the life story of its greatest apostle--Paul.
Peace Like a River is Leif Enger's extraordinary debut novel-a heroic quest, a tragedy, a love story, and a haunting meditation on the possibility of magic in the everyday world.
From the Publisher:
It is August 3, 1492 and Pedro de Salcedo has had little experience at sea or aboard a ship. But he can read and write - a rare skill for a boy of his times - and because of this, he is assigned as ship's boy to a sailing vessel bound for India. The ship's commander is a man who calls himself "Captain General of the Ocean Sea." He is a man known for leading morning prayers and for his fiery temper. He is Christopher Columbus, and Pedro de Salcedo, along with the 40 other men aboard the Santa Maria, are riding with him into history.
From August until October of 1492, Christopher Columbus and the ships under his command - the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria - sail into the great unknown, searching the seas for a western route to India. Pedro keeps a journal of the voyage. He describes the hopelessness shared by some of the men on board after so many months on the open sea, and the near mutiny that Columbus overcomes before land is finally spotted on a moonlit horizon on October 12, 1492.
The beach on which Columbus steps is given the name of San Salvador. Pedro remains by his captain's side - and keeps writing in his journal - throughout the months Columbus and his men explore the Americas to claim what they find in the name of the king and queen of Spain.