"Growing up in London, Beatrix Potter felt the restraints of Victorian times. Girls didn't go to school and weren't expected to work. But she longed to do something important, something that truly mattered. As Beatrix spent her summers in the country and found inspiration in nature, it was through this passion that her creativity flourished. There, she crafted The Tale of Peter Rabbit. She would eventually move to the countryside full-time, but developers sought to change the land. To save it, Beatrix used the money from the success of her books and bought acres and acres of land and farms to prevent the development of the countryside that both she and Peter Rabbit so cherished. Because of her efforts, it's been preserved just as she left it"
Prepare your students for future success in calculus, chemistry, physics, and social sciences! The 125 incremental Saxon Advanced Mathematics lessons provide in-depth coverage of trigonometry, logarithms, analytic geometry, and upper-level algebraic concepts. Includes continued practice of intermediate algebraic concepts and trigonometry introduced in Algebra 2 and features new lessons on functions, matrices, statistics, and the graphing calculator. Student Textbook (Hardcover): 125 Lessons, Proofs and Index, Answer Key to all Student Textbook Problem Sets, 748 pages. Homeschool Packet With Test Forms: 31 Test Forms for homeschooling, Answer Key to all homeschool Tests, Answer Key to all Student Textbook Problem Sets.
Saxon Algebra 2 Homeschool Kit Third Edition.
Students will develop the understanding they need to resolve more complex problems and functions with step-by-step instruction in Algebra 1. 120 lessons cover signed numbers, exponents; roots; absolute value; equations and inequalities; scientific notations; unit conversions; polynomials; graphs; factoring; quadratic equations; direct and inverse variations; exponential growth; statistics; and probability.
This kit includes:
Student Text; 564 pages, hardcover. Short answers for problem/practice sets, an index and glossary are included.
The Homeschool Packet includes contains 30 student tests & test answers.
Saxon Algebra 2 Home Study Kit includes the Student Textbook, Test Book/Answer Key Packet, and Solutions Manual. Traditional second-year algebra topics, as well as a full semester of informal geometry, are included with both real-world, abstract and interdisciplinary applications. 129 lessons cover topics such as geometric functions, angles, perimeters, and proportional segments; negative exponents; quadratic equations; metric conversions; logarithms; and advanced factoring.
This Saxon Math Homeschool 7/6 Solutions Manual provides answers for all problems in the textbook lesson (including warm-up, lesson practice, and mixed practice exercises), as well as solutions for the investigations and supplemental practice found in the back of the student text.
Math Intermediate 3 teaches mathematical concepts through informative lessons, helpful diagrams, and interactive activities and investigations. The Math Intermediate 3 Homeschool Kit includes a Student Textbook, Homeschool Testing Book, Solutions Manual, and Power Up Workbook.
Scarecrows. They perch high above gardens and fields, with borrowed coats and button eyes and pie-pan hands that glint in the sun.
What else is there to know about them? Perhaps more than we realize...
This bundle is for our School Book Fair Program.
The books included in this bundle are all about Art. There are titles in here for the youngest readers to the oldest elementary students.