High school composition lessons the Charlotte Mason way, building on written narration to teach students the art of great writing. Consumable workbook; order one per student.
This package is customizable! So the pricing on this package will vary depending on which books you include in the package. Please make your selection and see what the price is at the bottom of this page.
While we think of poetry as the best words in the best order, we sometimes forget how important its poetic or metaphoric thinking is to various subjects such as writing, speaking, business, and science.
The Art of Poetry is an excellent Junior high or high school curriculum that teaches the practice of reading a poem closely and absorbing its beauty.
“I dwell in Possibility— A fairer House than Prose—” While we think of poetry as the best words in the best order, we sometimes forget how important its poetic or metaphoric thinking is to various subjects such as writing, speaking, business, and science. The Art of Poetry is an excellent junior high or high school curriculum that teaches the practice of reading a poem closely and absorbing its beauty.
“I dwell in Possibility— A fairer House than Prose—” While we think of poetry as the best words in the best order, we sometimes forget how important its poetic or metaphoric thinking is to various subjects such as writing, speaking, business, and science.
The Art of Poetry is an excellent junior high or high school curriculum that teaches the practice of reading a poem closely and absorbing its beauty.
While we think of poetry as the best words in the best order, we sometimes forget how important its poetic or metaphoric thinking is to various subjects such as writing, speaking, business, and science. The Art of Poetry is an excellent Junior high or high school curriculum that teaches the practice of reading a poem closely and absorbing its beauty.
“I dwell in Possibility— A fairer House than Prose—” While we think of poetry as the best words in the best order, we sometimes forget how important its poetic or metaphoric thinking is to various subjects such as writing, speaking, business, and science. The Art of Poetry is an excellent junior high or high school curriculum that teaches the practice of reading a poem closely and absorbing its beauty.
The Art of the Commonplace gathers twenty essays by Wendell Berry that offer an agrarian alternative to our dominant urban culture. Grouped around five themes—an agrarian critique of culture, agrarian fundamentals, agrarian economics, agrarian religion, and geobiography—these essays promote a clearly defined and compelling vision important to all people dissatisfied with the stress, anxiety, disease, and destructiveness of contemporary American culture.
From the Publisher:
The conscience seems somewhat mysterious. We’re often not really sure how to listen to it, if we can trust it or what role it should play in our lives.
Kevin DeYoung shows us it isn’t something to be puzzled over but rather that a conscience is something good, given by God. As you read this book, you'll discover freedom from the low-level guilt and shame we commonly experience. DeYoung explains that when we daily turn to Christ, we experience a clear conscience that comes with knowing that Jesus’ blood covers all our wrong.
Preserved in China for more than 2,000 years before it was brought to the West by the French, this compact little book is widely regarded as the oldest military treatise in the world.
The 10th anniversary edition, with new chapters on the crash, Chimerica, and cryptocurrency
In this updated edition, Niall Ferguson brings his classic financial history of the world up to the present day, tackling the populist backlash that followed the 2008 crisis, the descent of "Chimerica" into a trade war, and the advent of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, with his signature clarity and expert lens.
Featuring mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, insects, and plants from all continents and nearly all oceans, this informative collection will teach young nature lovers about migration in its many forms. Grade-school children will discover how creatures navigate the planet when they encounter climate change, sun, chemicals, the Earth's magnetic field, and the changing seasons in this illustrated reference book.
Journey into the sands of WWI with a couple of ANZACS.
In The Aussie Crusaders you can experience the Great War as one of the troops in this captivating tale that takes you behind enemy lines, on daring desert escapes, and finally leading the troops into battle as the Allies attempt to take Palestine.
The beloved family of bears gets in another round of adventures as they experience the full enjoyment of a New England autumn, from riding the Merry-Go-Round at the fair to trick-or-treating ...