The award-winning translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky have given us the definitive version of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s strikingly original short novels, The Double and The Gambler.
The two strikingly original short novels brought together here–in new translations by award-winning translators–were both literary gambles of a sort for Dostoevsky.
In this story the author gives an account of the fierce struggle between Saxon and Dane for supremacy in England, and presents a vivid picture of the misery and ruin to which the country was reduced by the ravages of the sea wolves.
Form the Publisher:
"The stars of the Big Dipper have led a runaway slave family to Deacon Fuller's house, a stop on the Underground Railroad. Will Tommy Fuller be able to hide the runaways from a search party—or will the secret passengers be discovered and their hope for freedom destroyed?
"This Level 3 I Can Read book is a captivating first-person historical fiction account of the Underground Railroad, narrated by Tommy, a ten year-old Quaker boy,. With beautiful, simple prose that folds in historical facts about slavery and the Civil War, this book makes this important period of American history accessible to beginning readers. Includes an afterword from the author F.N. Monjo that explains the historical context of the Fugitive Slave Law."
A long time ago there lived over the waters,A Duchess, a Duke and their family of daughters.
Everything went smoothly and happily in this large family, until one day the Duchess decided to make:
A lovely light luscious delectable cake.
Would she take the cook’s advice? No, she would not. The Duchess put many things into the cake, adding the yeast six times for good measure. So the cake rose, and the Duchess with it — and how were they to get her down again?
It is Gunhilde, the youngest of the daughters, who suggests a happy solution.
A long time ago there lived over the waters, a Duchess, a Duke and their family of daughters. Everything went smoothly and happily in this large family, until one day the Duchess decided to make:
A lovely light luscious delectable cake...
Students are invited to continue on from a historical study of the Hebrew people to an investigation of the history of the Church. This was so evidently necessary to Christians of the fourth century that one of their own, Eusebius, the bishop of Caesarea, wrote the first book to recount the struggles and victories of the first followers of Christ. Students can now dedicate an entire year to learning the material those Christians began investigating almost 1,700 years ago.
With stylistic brilliance and historical imagination, the first five books of Livy's monumental history of Rome record events from the foundation of Rome through the history of the seven kings, the establishment of the Republic and its internal struggles, up to Rome's recovery after the fierce Gallic invasion of the fourth century B.C.
Spring is everywhere in gorgeous illustrations framed with pussy willows, flowering vines and flowers. Side borders feature busy rabbits making their unusual eggs and, in a border above, the Robin’s family drama unfolds. A gatefold surprise reveals the Easter Rabbit.
The Ecology Book
Study the relationship between living organisms and our place in God's wondrous creation!
Learn important words and concepts from different habitats around the world to mutual symbiosis as a product of the relational character of God.
Designed with a multi-age level format especially for homeschool educational programs.
Examine influential Scientists and their work, more fully understand practical aspects of stewardship, and investigate ecological connections in creation!
The best-selling Wonders of Creation series adds a new biology-focused title that unveils the intricate nature of God's world and the harmony that was broken by sin. This educational resource is color-coded with three educational levels in mind: 5th to 6th grades, 7th to 8th grades, and 9th through 11th grades, which can be utilized for the classroom, independent study, or homeschool setting.
Whether used as part of our newly developed science curriculum or simply as a unique unit study, the book includes full-color photos, informative illustrations, and meaningful descriptions. The text encourages an understanding of a world designed, not as a series of random evolutionary accidents, but instead as a wondrous, well-designed system of life around the globe created to enrich and support one another.
Who was Melvil Dewey?
Learn how Dewey's love of organization and words drove him to develop and implement his Dewey Decimal system, leaving a significant and lasting impact in libraries across the country.
This Egyptian spin on the classic Cinderella tale was initially recorded in the first century by a Roman historian and is retold here by folklorist Shirley Climo.
Poor Rhodopis! She has nothing—no mother or father, and no friends. She is a slave, from the far-off country of Greece. Only the beautiful rose-red slippers her master gives her can make Rhodopis smile.
So when a falcon swoops down and snatches one of the slippers away, Rhodopis is heartbroken. For how is she to know that the slipper will land in the lap of the great Pharaoh himself? And who would ever guess that the Pharaoh has promised to find the slipper’s owner and make her queen of all Egypt?
The Electrifying Nervous System
Discover Your Design!
Developed by a homeschooling pediatrician, this book focuses on the amazing design and functionality of the human body’s nervous system. You will discover:
The main areas and structures of the brain and what important role each plays in making your body work
Awesome examples of God’s creativity in both the design and precision of human anatomy showing you are wonderfully made
Important historical discoveries and modern medical techniques used for diagnosis and repair of the brain!
Learn interesting and important facts about why you sleep, the function of the central nervous system, what foods can superpower your brain functions, and much more in a wonderful exploration of the brain and how it controls the wondrous machine known as your body!
Help your students become confident essay writers as they delve into the details of the essay-writing process. From thesis statements to transitions, introductions, and conclusions, students will learn the building blocks of a well-crafted essay.
Help your students become confident essay writers as they delve into the details of the essay-writing process. From thesis statements to transitions, introductions, and conclusions, students will learn the building blocks of a well-crafted essay.