Join renowned author Dr. Louis Markos on an unparalleled adventure for the modern Christian! In the spirit of C. S. Lewis, whose own acceptance of Christ hinged on his understanding that Christ is the myth become fact, The Myth Made Fact: Reading Greek and Roman Mythology through Christian Eyes mines wisdom of eternal value from the great storehouses of Greek and Roman mythology and traces the links that bind those myths to the Bible and the Christian life.
Through narrative and comic panels, Hendrix chronicles Lewis and Tolkien’s near-idyllic childhoods, then moves on to both men’s horrific tour of the trenches of World War I to their first meeting at Oxford in 1929, and then the foreshadowing, action, and aftermath of World War II.
He reveals the shared story of their friendship, in all its ups and downs, that gave them confidence to venture beyond academic concerns (fantasy wasn’t considered suitable for adult reading, but the domain of children), shaped major story/theme ideas, and shifted their ideas about the potential of mythology and faith.
First published in 1980, The Name of the Rose became an international sensation, beguiling readers around the world with its mix of history, humor, and intellectual heft.
The year is 1327. Benedictines in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective.
From the Publisher:
In The Names of Jesus, Warren Wiersbe explores fourteen names of Jesus from both the Old and New Testaments and explains their meaning, as well as their relevance, to believers today. These names underscore the richness of Jesus' person and ministry, showing him to be as relevant and caring as ever. You will see a Savior who is sufficient to handle the decisions, demands, and disturbances of life. Wiersbe exhorts Christians to encounter Christ and allow his many names and attributes to minister to every facet of their lives.
Names include: Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, The Nazarene, The Pioneer, The Carpenter, Our Surety, Alpha and Omega, The Lamb,The Firstborn, Immanuel, Jesus.
Our Story of Jesus began long ago, with Mary and Joseph (but without the snow).
Come hear the surprises that God had in store, to welcome his Son who we all should adore.
A rhyming nativity story for children aged 4-7, which seeks to hold tightly to the biblical account of Jesus’ birth.
Our Story of Jesus began long ago, with Mary and Joseph (but without the snow).
Come hear the surprises that God had in store, to welcome his Son who we all should adore.
Our Story of Jesus began long ago,
with Mary and Joseph (but without the snow).
Come hear the surprises that God had in store.
Grab your pens and your pencils, there's much to explore!
This study of the nervous system will strengthen the faith of your junior high student, while preparing them for upper level science courses and perhaps a career in medicine.
Learning about the incredible complexity of the nervous system will help your student realize that their bodies are most certainly God’s design and cannot be the result of chemical accidents occurring over millions of years.
Just another quiet day in Mammoth Falls. Or is it? Have flying saucers really been sighted? How about those rumblings in the ground during the wee hours of the morning… and a midget submarine hidden in a secret cavern?
With evidence like this, our seven young geniuses can’t be far behind. And they’re not! The town of Mammoth Falls will never be the same again, because here come the Mad Scientists with five more mad adventures!
The New Americans is the story of the colonists -- the more than two hundred thousand new Americans -- who came over from Europe and struggled to build a home for themselves in a new world.
The universe is an amazing declaration of the glory and power of God! Beautiful and breathtaking in its scale, the vast expanse of the universe is one that we struggle to study, understand, or even comprehend in terms of its purpose and size. Now take an incredible look at the mysteries and marvels of space in The New Astronomy Book!
Discover the best ways to observe the heavens, along with up-to-date astronomical data and concepts
Learn about the dynamics of planets, stars, galaxies, and models for the cosmology of the universe
What we know and are still trying to discover about planets, moons, and comets within our own solar system.
If you watch the stars at night, you will see how they change. This speaks to the enormity and intricacy of design in the universe. While the stars appear timeless, they instead reflect an all–powerful Creator who speaks of them in the Bible. Many ancient pagan cultures taught that the changing stars caused the seasons to change, but unlike these pagan teachings, the Book of Job gives credit to God for both changing stars and seasons (Job 38:31-33). When Job looked at Orion, he saw about what we see today, even though he may have lived as much as 4,000 years ago.
Includes a 24-inch, full-color, pull-out poster!
From the Publisher
The New Moody Atlas of Bible Lands integrates the geography of Bible lands with the teachings of the Bible. Its one hundred thousand words provide useful commentary for more than ninety detailed maps of Palestine, the Mediterranean, the Near East, the Sinai, and Turkey. Learn of God's protection and guidance by following Israel's forty-year sojourn in the wilderness. Appreciate the results of the Great Commission to 'teach all nations' by seeing the scope of Paul's three missionary journeys.
The oceans may well be Earth’s final frontier. These dark and sometimes mysterious waters cover 71 percent of the surface area of the globe and have yet to be fully explored. Under the waves, a watery world of frail splendor, foreboding creatures, vast mountains, and sights beyond imagination awaits. Now this powerful resource has been developed for three educational levels!
Grasp a deeper understanding of the ocean tides, waves, and currents
Explore the vast world of giant squids and other sea “monsters”
Discover the impact of weather systems and the Great Flood on Earth’s land and seas
Learning about the oceans and their hidden worlds can be exciting and rewarding — the abundance and diversity of life, the wealth of resources, the latest discoveries, and the simple mysteries that have intrigued explorers and scientists for centuries. A better understanding of our oceans ensures careful stewardship of their grandeur and beauty for future generations, and leads to a deeper respect for the delicate balance of life that God created on planet Earth.