Help your student grow in language arts skills through great literature!
The Using Language Well Teacher Guide & Answer Key provides clear answers to every question in the Using Language Well Student Book, but it also gives you so much more! You will find helpful and thorough explanations sprinkled throughout the lessons to encourage you in the Charlotte Mason way of doing language arts, plus a step-by-step plan to help your student grow in composition through his narrations. All the practical tools you need to evaluate his writing are included.
The Teacher Guide & Answer Key will help you
Quickly confirm what your student learned in the Student Book through guided discovery and great literature.
Keep on track with helpful teaching tips and practical reminders based on Charlotte Mason’s methods.
Encourage your student to improve naturally in composition skills step by step.
Evaluate your student’s narrations with confidence using the included rubrics and detailed instructions.
Be assured your student is growing in language arts skills with Charlotte’s simple yet effective methods!
Using Language Well Teacher Guide & Answer Key, Book 3
Provides all of the answers to the lessons, including the simplified marking for each sentence being analyzed.
Gives helpful and practical teaching tips to keep you on track.
Details how to use prepared dictation for spelling lessons.
Reminds you to have your student write two or three narrations each week from his history, geography, Bible, or science reading.
Supplies a set of 11 rubrics and detailed instructions to help you evaluate written narrations and track your student’s progress in composition.
Presents a complete list of English grammar points that are covered in Book 3, as well as the English grammar, usage, capitalization, and punctuation points that are reviewed from previous books.
The Using Language Well Teacher Guide is nonconsumable and reusable.
Utopia is a friendly, dialogue-driven exploration of an ideal society, perfect for engaging young minds in discussions about justice, equality, and what makes a community thrive.
Vade Mecum is Latin for “Go with me,” and has been used with manuals, guidebooks, and journals for hundreds of years. We hope this lovely journal will go with you on your journey of classical education.
Elizabeth Ripley tells a warm, understanding story of the great artist Vincent van Gogh. His arduous life, his struggles against poverty, his determination to continue painting despite lack of recognition, are discussed with dignity and empathy.
Much of the story is told by van Gogh himself, as his personality authentically emerges through letters written to family and friends.
Young Camille befriends a strange visitor to his small town, and one day he brings this man a gift of bright, beautiful sunflowers. The man is the artist Vincent van Gogh, and the sunflowers quickly become the subject of a magnificent painting. This is a title in Barron’s Anholt’s Artists Books for Children series, in which author and illustrator Laurence Anholt recalls memorable and sometimes amusing moments when the lives of the artists were touched by children. Anholt’s fine illustrations appear on every page and include reproductions of works by the artists
Veni Emmanuel is a collection of hauntingly beautiful ancient and traditional carols written centuries ago for the celebration of Christmas.
All in Latin and laced with theology and beautiful poetry, these songs will help students and teachers rediscover the rich heritage of sacred Christmas music.
Deep in the jungle where all the pythons are green, Verdi is born a little bit different. This gorgeously illustrated picture book from the creator of Stellalunasends a timely message to young readers about the importance of loving the skin you're in.
The Vergil’s Aeneid: Selected Readings from Books 1, 2, 4, and 6 - Teacher’s Guide helps the busy teacher prepare for class, lead discussion, guide analysis, and make up quizzes and exams based on Vergil’s Aeneid: Selected Readings from Books 1, 2, 4, and 6.
Vergil’s Aeneid: Selected Readings from Books 1, 2, 4, and 6 is designed for college and high school Advanced Placement courses. It includes all the required Latin selections from Vergil’s Aeneid for the 2012–2013 AP* Latin Curriculum.
This package is customizable! So the pricing on this package will vary depending on which books you include in the package. Please make your selection and see what the price is at the bottom of this page.
Students will learn to apply a Christian worldview as they examine qualities of characters in stories and recognize those worth emulating. They will enjoy books such as Little House on the Prairie, Encyclopedia Brown and Pinocchio. Most importantly, they will continue to increase their love of literature.
This package is customizable! So the pricing on this package will vary depending on which books you include in the package. Please make your selection and see what the price is at the bottom of this page.
Course Kits are offered as a discounted package. However, you may only need some of the books. Select the ones you need below for easy ordering. (Images may differ.)
This package is customizable! So the pricing on this package will vary depending on which books you include in the package. Please make your selection and see what the price is at the bottom of this page.
This literature package includes all of Veritas Press' recommended literature and accompanying guides for Grade 4.
This package is customizable! So the pricing on this package will vary depending on which books you include in the package. Please make your selection and see what the price is at the bottom of this page.
Students will learn to apply a Christian worldview as they examine qualities of characters in stories and recognize those that are worth admiring. They will learn to identify different genres of literature as they read a variety of styles. Most importantly, they will continue to increase their love of literature.
This package is customizable! So the pricing on this package will vary depending on which books you include in the package. Please make your selection and see what the price is at the bottom of this page.
Intended for students in sixth grade, students will read great literature and work to improve their oral reading skills. Students will improve their reading skills through written and oral comprehension exercises.
This package is customizable! So the pricing on this package will vary depending on which books you include in the package. Please make your selection and see what the price is at the bottom of this page.
This literature package includes all of Veritas Press' recommended literature and comprehension guides for Grade 7, a transition level. Book versions may differ.
Literature Transition is designed as a course to help students develop skills to understand great literature. Specific age-appropriate literature of varying genres will be read.