The online product is a lifetime membership that gives you unlimited access to stream the Instructional Lessons.
The Classical Composition V: Common Topic Instructional Vidoes contain instruction for Memoria Press’ Common Topic Stage of Classical Composition by Dr. Brett Vaden.
As your student progresses, the fifth stage in the Classical Composition program is Common Topic. The set of exercises in Common Topic are more difficult to categorize by modern composition theory, but would likely fall under the descriptive essay.
As your student progresses, the fifth stage in the Classical Composition program is Common Topic. The Common Topic exercises look more like an “essay.”
The Online Streaming product is a lifetime membership that gives you unlimited access to stream the Instructional Lessons. The track list for this course can be viewed here.
These three stages continue to train the students in their ability to utilize and integrate heads of development and examples—that is, the general and the particular in communicating ideas—as well as continuing to train them in the use of heads of purpose (also called modes of argument).
Students will learn to write expository essays and a complex introductory paragraph, as well as to cohesively arrange a lengthy essay.
These three stages continue to train the students in their ability to utilize and integrate heads of development and examples—that is, the general and the particular in communicating ideas—as well as continuing to train them in the use of heads of purpose (also called modes of argument). Students will learn to write expository essays and a complex introductory paragraph, as well as to cohesively arrange a lengthy essay.
The Teacher Guide provides sample answers for every lesson, as well as teaching and grading guidance.
These three stages continue to train the students in their ability to utilize and integrate heads of development and examples—that is, the general and the particular in communicating ideas—as well as continuing to train them in the use of heads of purpose (also called modes of argument).
Students will learn to write expository essays and a complex introductory paragraph, as well as to cohesively arrange a lengthy essay.
The Classical Composition VII: Characterization DVDs contain instruction for Memoria Press’ Characterization Stage of Classical Composition presented by Abigail Johnson.
The online streaming product is a lifetime membership that gives you unlimited access to stream the Instructional Lessons.
The greatest communicators of ancient times, Quintilian and Cicero among them, employed the progymnasmata to teach their students the art of communication. The 14 exercises, organized from the simplest and most basic to the most complex and sophisticated, were the core education of a classical speaker, designed to produce what Quintilian once called “the good man, speaking well.”
Classical Composition VII: Characterization is primarily concerned with the skills of style, although students continue to practice the skills of Invention and Arrangement.
The Classical Composition VIII: Description - Videos (Online Streaming) contain instruction for Memoria Press’ Characterization Stage of Classical Composition presented by Abigail Johnson.
The streaming product is a lifetime membership that gives you unlimited access to stream the Instructional Lessons.
As with the previous stage, Description is primarily concerned with the development of particular styles as the students bring the subject of the exercise vividly into the reader’s imagination.