This novel traces a fictionalized version of American philosopher John Dewey’s intellectual development. In it, Dewey meets several great philosophers at a philosophers’ camp, where he explores the concepts of Pragmatism, democracy, and issues of social justice, including the rights of children. Dewey revolutionized the American educational system, and this story examines the forces that led him to that achievement, while engaging readers in a compelling tale of curiosity and discovery.3 GradesSku: 9780898246902
The Squirrel Behind the Tree – Student Book
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.$26.50 -
The Transparent Eyeball guidebook, for both instructors and the students themselves, explores the philosophical bases behind the concepts introduced in the novel and includes excerpts of works by Thoreau, Emerson, Alcott, Wordsworth, Margaret Fuller, and others who were central to the Transcendentalist Movement. It also provides in-depth discussion questions about both the readings and the novel.4 GradesSku: 9780880929509
The Transparent Eyeball – Guidebook
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D., Jennifer Ault$26.50 -
TJ begins having vivid dreams that take him back to the nineteenth century, where he meets Henry David Thoreau and learns about Transcendentalism. TJ soon learns that his classmate Ivy is sharing the dream with him. Together they must solve a murder mystery, which requires them to learn about the views of the Transcendentalists on slavery, women’s rights, and humans’ relationship to the natural world and to the idea of God. Ultimately, Transcendentalism gives TJ a new perspective on how he wants to live his life.4 GradesSku: 9780880929516
The Transparent Eyeball – Student Book
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D., Jennifer Ault$26.50 -
Theo Rising features a young girl who learns various theories of ancient Greek philosophers about the nature of the world and a possible essential building block for everything in the universe. Theo learns about the concepts of earth, water, air, fire, and numbers as the ultimate source of everything else and discovers different criteria with which to judge between the competing theories.4 GradesSku: 9780898242904
Theo Rising – Student Book (Perfect-Bound)
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.$39.50 -
The Theo Rising teacher manual, for parents and teachers both, is the instructor’s guide to implementing the student book. It provides a summary of the plot developments for each chapter, a philosophical basis for the key concepts of the chapters, discussion questions based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, and suggestions for activities.4 GradesSku: 9780898242898
Theo Rising – Teacher Manual
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.$22.95 -
Theo learns about the concepts of earth, water, air, fire, and numbers as the ultimate source of everything else, and she discovers different criteria with which to judge between the competing theories. Children are introduced to these philosophical concepts in a fun, creative, innovative way that makes them accessible, even to the very young.5 GradesSku: 9780898242881
Theo Rising: Student Book
By: Sharon Kaye$40.50 -
The Will Power guidebook, for both instructors and the students themselves, explores the question of free will and the concept of fate as discussed by some of the greatest thinkers in the world. Are we free to make our own paths in life, or are our lives predetermined? Is our fate set, or do we create our own fate? The book also provides a summary of the plot developments for each chapter, a philosophical basis for the key concepts of the chapters, discussion questions, and more.4 GradesSku: 9780898246322
Will Power – Guidebook
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.$22.95 -
Will Power is a chapter book that features two kids, Will and Foo, who find themselves in a race against time to stop a man who has developed a frequency that will reveal the human brain to be a machine. In fact, he has already zapped Will, and Will and Foo must stop him before he can broadcast his frequency to the rest of humankind. In the process, they struggle with the question of free will, as discussed by such philosophers as Albert Einstein, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Epicurus, Lucretius, and Sartre. They also explore the philosophical skills of making careful observations, defending a position, and tolerating ambiguity.4 GradesSku: 9780898246308
Will Power – Student Book (Perfect Bound)
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.$22.95 -
The Xperiment guidebook, for both instructors and the students themselves, explores several of the most important and influential political theories ever written, which are reflected in the story about X and his schoolmates as they struggle to understand justice. It also provides a summary of the plot developments for each chapter, a philosophical basis for the key concepts of the chapters, discussion questions, and more.4 GradesSku: 9780898246988
Xperiment – Guidebook
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.$22.95 -
Xperiment features a boy named X who becomes involved with a group of children who struggle to find the meaning of justice. The kids explore the philosophical concepts of selective rule-breaking, thought-experimenting, and proposing alternative theories. The story introduces children to philosophies about human nature, civilization, and government in the context of real-world situations.4 GradesSku: 9780898246964
Xperiment – Student Book (Perfect Bound)
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.$22.95