Tales of Wonder Volume I and II provide sixteen of the most popular (and essential) fairy tales ever told. Included within each story are questions to ask while reading aloud to your children or students. At the end of each tale are additional questions to ask after the reading, as well as tips for listening for echoes. No matter how old your students are, Tales of Wonder offers a context for contemplative reading and deep thinking about some of the most lively and enjoyable stories ever told.
Tales of Wonder Volume I provides eight of the most popular (and essential) fairy tales ever told, as recorded by the Brothers Grimm, Andrew Lang, Charles Perrault, and Hans Christian Andersen. Included within each story are questions to ask while reading aloud to your children or students. At the end of each tale are additional questions to ask after the reading, as well as tips for listening for echoes. No matter how old your students are, Tales of Wonder offers a context for contemplative reading and deep thinking about some of the most lively and enjoyable stories ever told.
Tales of Wonder Volume II provides eight of the most popular (and essential) fairy tales ever told, as recorded by Andrew Lang, Charles Perrault, and Hans Christian Andersen. Included within each story are questions to ask while reading aloud to your children or students. At the end of each tale are additional questions to ask after the reading, as well as tips for listening for echoes. No matter how old your students are, Tales of Wonder offers a context for contemplative reading and deep thinking about some of the most lively and enjoyable stories ever told.
You want to pass on your faith to your children. But in today’s increasingly skeptical and hostile world, how can you prepare your kids for the challenges and doubts they will inevitably face?
Organized so that each chapter builds upon the last, these books provide a cumulative learning experience appropriate for home, church classes, youth groups, small groups, and homeschools. Every chapter has a conversation guide, and content is adaptable for use with kids from elementary age through high school.
Quislings—Nazi collaborators! Could it really be true that several members of Solveig’s family were quislings—and that her own brother, Roald, had served as a Nazi spy? At the close of WWII, 15-year-old Solveig Strand returns to her beloved Norwegian village after a five-year stay in Scotland and she is greeted, not with open arms, but with harsh words and cold looks.
Now it is up to Solveig to restore her brother’s good name and her family’s honor—picking apart the truth about the past, from the falsehoods and rumors, like a tangled skein of yarn. If she succeeds, her scattered family can finally return—with their heads held high as the patriots she knows in her heart they are.
Taran is an Assistant Pig-Keeper no longer--he has become a hero. Now he dreams of winning the hand of Princess Eilonwy, but how can someone who has spent his whole life caring for a pig hope to marry royalty? Taran must find out who he really is. Eager to learn his origins and hoping to discover noble roots, Taran sets off with the faithful Gurgi.
This memorable collection gathers the plays of the great social satirist and playwright Molière, representing the many facets of his genius and offering a superb introduction to the comic inventiveness, richness of prose, and insight that make up Molière’s enduring legacy to theater, literature, and the world.
From the publishers: “Once there was a tawny scrawny lion who chased monkeys on Monday—kangaroos on Tuesday—zebras on Wednesday—bears on Thursday—camels on Friday—and on Saturday, elephants! So begins the funny, classic Golden story of a family of ten fat rabbits that teaches the hungry lion to eat carrot stew—so that he doesn’t eat them!”
This new and revised edition of Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace contains 35% new content.
Hear the entire book read to you by author Sarah Mackenzie (foreword by Dr. Christopher Perrin) in the comfort of your own home, car, or while you are on the go.
Those who have made the decision to homeschool have done so out of great love for their children and a desire to provide them with an excellent education in the context of a warm, enriching home. Yet so many parents (mainly mothers) who have taken up this challenge find the enterprise often full of stress, worry, and anxiety. In this practical, faith-based, and inspirational book, Sarah Mackenzie addresses these questions directly, appealing to her own study of restful learning (scholé) and her struggle to bring restful learning to her children.
The delightful Christian-themed children's classic for a new generation of readers who will be fascinated by the skillful method in which Ms. Le Feuvre told her story, imparting the Gospel message in a simple natural way.
Suddenly a wild thought went through Tekko's mind. If his baby sister didn't recover? Then...he would go to the white medicine man! For a moment he was startled by the thought. Then he was certain of it. They had paid Wemale plenty and offered much to the spirits. If it still didn't help, he would take her to the white medicine man of whom Tani had told him.
For a moment he thought about the weird and horrible things Tani also had told him. But He didn't want to think about that,. It was the white medicine man who had made the village chief better. The white medicine man must have secret powers, becuase their own medicine man couldn't do it!