Preview:Katherine Loop’s Principles of Mathematics Book 2 guides students through the core principles of algebra—equipping your student for High School success! In this Jr High (7th - 8th grade) pre-algebra math course, Loop explores pre-algebra concepts such as negative numbers, unknowns equations, ratios, percentages, inequalities, statistics, graphing, exponents, and basics of trigonometry through a Biblical worldview, establishing how the consistencies we see in mathematical concepts proclaim the consistencies of a faithful God.Book TrailerApproach Math with Confidence Mathematical terms and concepts can seem so complex and intimidating as students begin the transition from Jr High to High School math courses—Katherine Loop’s down-to-earth style and conversational tone sets students as ease and reminds them to approach new formulas, terms, and concepts with confidence and an understanding that each simply describe a useful tool we can put we can put to use in everyday life, history, science, art, music, and more! Engaging, Conversational Lessons Principles of Mathematics Book 2 focuses on pre-algebra concepts and emphasizes practical application, teaching your student both the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of math through engaging, conversational lessons. This approach firms up foundational math concepts and prepares students for algebra in a logical, step-by-step way that helps them understand concepts, build problem-solving skills, and see how different aspects of math connect. Incredibly Faith Building “Every time you solve a math problem, you’re relying on the underlying consistency present in math. Any every time you see that math still operates consistently, it’s testifying that God is still on His throne, faithfully holding all things together.” – Katherine Loop In Principles of Mathematics Book 2, each lesson and exercise leads your student towards understanding the character and attributes of God through the study of math history, concepts, and application. Principles of Mathematics Book 2 goes beyond adding a Bible verse or story to math instruction, it actively teaches and describes how the consistencies and creativity we see in mathematical concepts proclaim the faithful consistency of God Himself and points students towards understanding math through a Biblical worldview. Excellent High School Preparation Principles of Mathematics Book 2 lays a solid foundation—both academically and spiritually—as your student prepares for high school algebra! Students will study pre-algebra concepts, further develop their problem-solving skills, see how algebraic concepts are applied in a practical way to everyday life, and strengthen their faith! In Principles of Mathematics Book 2 your student will:
- Explore pre-algebra
- Strengthen critical thinking skills
- Discover why we study math—and why it matters to each of us
- Transform their view of math through a Biblical Worldview
- Approach mathematics as a tool for exploring & describing God's universe
- Understand algebraic concepts, history, and their practical application
- Fortify their faith
- and so much more!
- 30-45 minutes per lesson, 4-5x per week
- Recommended Grade Level: 7th - 8th
Sku: 9780890519066Principles of Mathematics, Book 2
By: Katherine Loop$63.50 -
Preview:Teacher Guide for use with Principles of Mathematics Book 2. Katherine Loop’s Principles of Mathematics Book 2 guides students through the core principles of algebra—equipping your student for High School success! Teacher Guide includes daily schedule, student worksheets, quizzes, tests, and answer key.Book TrailerExcellent High School Preparation Principles of Mathematics Book 2 lays a solid foundation as your student prepares for high school algebra! Students will study pre-algebra concepts, further develop their problem-solving skills, see how algebraic concepts are applied in a practical way to everyday life, and strengthen their faith! Principles of Mathematics Book 2 Teacher Guide Includes:
- Convenient Daily Schedule
- Optional Accelerated Daily Schedule
- Student Worksheets
- Quizzes
- Tests
- Answer Key
- 3 hole punched, perforated pages
- 30-45 minutes per lesson, 4-5x per week
- Recommended Grade Level: 7th - 8th
Sku: 9780890519073Principles of Mathematics, Book 2 (Teacher Guide)
By: Katherine Loop$58.50 -
Now you can use the Teaching the Classics method with a formal reading and literature curriculum guide that fits your busy schedule! Reading Roadmaps is a comprehensive, 231-page, Scope & Sequence manual containing annotated reading lists for grades K-12. Designed as a supplement to the Teaching the Classics basic seminar, it brings together more than 200 classic titles specially chosen by Adam and Missy Andrews. Each entry summarizes the story’s plot, conflicts, themes, and literary devices, along with links to teacher resources and suggestions for alternate titles.Sku: 9780988898905
Reading Roadmaps
By: Adam and Missy Andrews$52.95 -
Each volume in the Ready Readers series provides complete discussion notes for a collection of classic stories, including questions from the Socratic List on all major structural and stylistic elements: conflict, plot, characters, setting, theme, context and literary devices. Each question is answered in full with references to the text. Ready Readers also provides completed story charts and a short author biography for each title. Ready Readers is based on the Teaching the Classics approach to reading, which involves working with stories at or below a student's reading level. While the volumes in this series are appropriate to the reading level of a specific age group, they can be applied to grades at their reading level and up.Sku: 9780988898943
Ready Readers: The Chronicles of Narnia
By: Megan Andrews$39.50 -
Designed for instructors and students who have already used Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind (Purple, Blue, or Yellow workbooks) in previous years, and who thus already have the Core Instructor Text, Grammar Guidebook, and Diagramming Dictionary, this bundle includes only what you'll need to continue grammar instruction for another year: the Red Workbook and Key. For ages 13 - 17.Sku: 9781945841804
Red Bundle for the Repeat Buyer
By: Audrey Anderson$73.95 -
We are often asked if we have a program that includes the study of both Latin and Greek roots. We do now! Roots of English is an introduction to English, designed for students in grades six through eight, but it is also a great test prep program for older students planning on taking any test with a vocabulary section. Most of the Latin roots covered in this book correspond to the Latina Christiana I vocabulary set. The course also introduces Greek roots commonly found in English words.3 GradesSku: 9781930953253
Roots of English
By: Paul O’Brien$32.95 -
Out Of StockThis Saxon Math Homeschool 7/6 Solutions Manual provides answers for all problems in the textbook lesson (including warm-up, lesson practice, and mixed practice exercises), as well as solutions for the investigations and supplemental practice found in the back of the student text.3 GradesSku: 9781591413271
Saxon Math 7/6 – Solutions Manual (Fourth Edition)
By: $79.95 -
This laboratory-based, middle school science course covers a wide range of topics that are of interest to modern scientists. It starts by describing our current understanding of atoms, molecules, the chemicals that are necessary for life, DNA, and cells. These topics are all discussed in the context of history, explaining how specific scientific advances led to the scientific explanations that the students are being taught. This allows students to learn not only the current scientific understanding of these topics, but also how scientists reached that understanding.Sku: 9780996278409
Science in the Atomic Age
By: Jay L. Wile$93.50 -
This is the Answer Key and Tests for Science in the Atomic Age. It contains answer keys for all textbook to review questions as well as the tests and answer key for the tests. The owner is entitled to make any needed copies of the tests (only the tests, not the answers).Sku: 9780996278416
Science in the Atomic Age – Answer Key and Tests
By: Jay L. Wile$13.50 -
Berean Builders' Science in the Atomic Age Student Notebook provides daily lesson plans, worksheets with comprehension and review questions for each lesson as given in the student text, notes on documenting experiments and a laboratory notebook (blank pages for students to fill in). These notebooks are great for those who'd like a ready-to-go version to save time, versus copying out questions from the textbook! Students answer critical thinking-based questions that ask them to explain their reasoning or the concepts they're studying. Over 100 blank pages are included in the back for students to record their laboratory notes.3 GradesSku: 9781735029108
Science in the Atomic Age – Student Workbook
By: $47.50 -
The Second Form Latin Flashcards cover the vocabulary (Latin, lesson number, and any derivative, on one side; English on the other), Latin sayings (Latin and lesson number on one side, English on the other), and grammar forms (cue word and declension or tense name on one side; Latin forms and lesson number on the other).4 GradesSku: 9781547701834
Second Form Latin – Flashcards (Second Edition)
By: $23.50 -
The Second Form Latin Classical Latin Pronunciation CD contains all of the content on the standard, ecclesiastical pronunciation CD (vocabulary, Latin sayings, and grammar forms), only pronounced using classical pronunciation.4 GradesSku: 9781615384112
Second Form Latin – Classical Pronunciation CD
By: Paul O’Brien$13.95 -
*These charts are an optional supplement.*4 GradesSku: 9781615382286
Second Form Latin – Grammar Wall Charts
By: Memoria Press$30.95 -
SaleSecond Form Latin continues the journey of Latin grammar. Building on what the student learned the previous year, Second Form reviews all material in First Form, completes the verb paradigms for all four conjugations in the indicative active and passive, and much more!
Second Form Latin – Instructional Videos (DVD or Online Streaming) (Second Edition)
By: Jessica Watson$68.38 – $75.95 -
SaleThis Second Form Latin Pronunciation CD (two discs) includes all vocabulary and grammar forms for each lesson, as well as the Latin Sayings.Sku: 9781547701940
Second Form Latin – Pronunciation (Ecclesiastical Audio CD or Online Streaming)
By: $12.50 – $13.95 -
The Second Form Latin Quizzes & Tests, Second Edition booklet has reproducible weekly quizzes and unit tests that ensure material is being mastered.3 GradesSku: 9781547702176
Second Form Latin – Quizzes and Tests (Second Edition)
By: Cheryl Lowe$8.50