The Green Ember (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember Falls: The Green Ember Book II (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember Rising: The Green Ember Book III (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember's End: The Green Ember Book IV (Updated Cover) × 1
The Green Ember (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember Falls: The Green Ember Book II (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember Rising: The Green Ember Book III (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember's End: The Green Ember Book IV (Updated Cover) × 1
The Green Ember (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember Falls: The Green Ember Book II (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember Rising: The Green Ember Book III (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember's End: The Green Ember Book IV (Updated Cover) × 1
The Green Ember (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember Falls: The Green Ember Book II (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember Rising: The Green Ember Book III (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember's End: The Green Ember Book IV (Updated Cover) × 1
From the Publisher:
“Once there was a little island in the ocean. That little island changes as the seasons come and go. The storm and the day and night change it. So do the lobsters and seals and gulls that stop by. Then one day a kitten visits the little island and learns a secret that every child will enjoy.”
The luminous art of three-time Caldecott Honor recipient Jerry Pinkney transforms the nineteenth-century Danish girl of Andersen's tale into a child plucked straight from America's melting pot, shedding new light on the invisibility of the poor among the prosperous-a circumstance as familiar in Andersen's day as it is in our own.
Imagine living in a world where you could not read. Imagine how hard a simple task such as shopping would become.
This whimsical tale, told with humour and grace, portrays the frustration of the little old man who got everything all mixed up because he could not read.
In 1842, newly orphaned Maria Merryweather, her governess, and dog arrive at her ancestral home in an enchanted village in England's West Country where the people's bliss is marred by a dark shadow.
A little wooden shoe is found floating on the water, and suddenly Henry’s guilty little secret has stirred up the whole village. If only he had told his father! Now the miller, the policeman, the mayor, and the whole village are involved. Henry’s whole world seems to be pointing the finger of shame at him. But the mayor, the policeman, and the miller and his wife have a little secret of their own. A day of shame is turned into a day of celebration!
An essential reference for writers--both new and experienced--that will help improve your writing skills and style and help you say exactly what you want to say. Students, teachers, businessmen, aspiring authors, and complaining consumers all have one thing in common--the need to express successfully ideas, opinions, arguments, problems, explanations, or instructions through the medium of the written word. And The Lively Art of Writing is the perfect guide to the mastery of this essential skill.
In this book, children will find a poem for every occasion! From applesauce and balloons, to monkeys and playing dress up, these poems capture the essence of childhood. Introduce your student to the beauty of poetry through this delightful collection!
Words are broken into syllables, and pronunciation is included with harder words to help the beginning reader.
"Crack! Crack! Father Locust's little shell house split right down the back! Now what would Father and Mother Locust do?" Eight-year-old Jane was excited. She enjoys a visit from Aunt Rose, and together they look at the little shell house where the locust had lived.
One of the most exciting series of a master story teller about the German occupation of The Netherlands during the emotional time of the Second World War (1940-1945).
The country was occupied by the German military forces. The nation’s freedom was destroyed by the foreign men in power. Violence, persecutions and executions were the order of the day, and the main target of the enemy was the destruction of the Christian way of life. In that time the resistance movement of underground fighters became very active. People from all ages and levels joined in and tried to defend the Dutch Christian heritage as much as possible.
The above mentioned book show us how older and younger people were involved in that dangerous struggle. It often was a life and death battle. Every page of this series is full of tension. The stories give an accurate and very vivid impression of that difficult and painful time. These books should also be in the hands of our young people. They are excellent instruments to understand the history of their own country and to learn the practical value of their own confession.
From the Publisher: "We will go to America!"
It is 1868, and Carl Erik's family faces starvation in Sweden. As their hopes fade, they must endure a journey over land and sea to reach a better life in a new country thousands of miles away.
Based on the real-life adventures of Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Long Winter is the sixth book in the award-winning Little House series, which has captivated generations of readers. This edition features the classic black-and-white artwork from Garth Williams.
The fledgling town of De Smet in the Dakota Territory is hit hard by the brutal winter of 1880-1881. Laura, Pa, Ma, Mary, Carrie, and little Grace face the winter as best they can, but soon, blizzards have covered the town in snow that piles up to the rooftops, cutting the town off from supplies and trade. Food stores begin to run dangerously low. To save the town from starvation, young Almanzo Wilder and a friend brave the conditions, set off across the prairie in search of wheat, and return victorious. The town is saved, and the townspeople share in an unusual, but joyful, Christmas celebration.
The Long Winter is the sixth book in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s treasured Little House series, and the recipient of a Newbery Honor.
The fledgling town of De Smet in the Dakota Territory is hit hard by the brutal winter of 1880-1881...
From the Publisher:Tickety Tock. Tickety Tock.It feels like forever,just watching the clock.The LongestWait is nearly done —We're waiting forthe promised one.Follow the story of those who are waiting for Christmas and learn how Jesus' birth is good news for the whole world.
This beautifully illustrated rhyming book has follow-up ideas for parents to explore the themes of Christmas with their children.
The verbal arts of grammar, logic, and rhetoric are often referred to as tools of learning. But this analogy between words and tools too often relies on the common assumption that the verbal arts are merely neutral tools. Even reimagining the verbal arts as purposive tools that serve a good beyond themselves takes us only so far. We need an alternative analogy to stand against the cultural forces of consumption and production that often shape educational purposes in the age of global information technology. Thus, rather than tools, words are like seeds whose purpose is life-giving.
The Green Ember (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember Falls: The Green Ember Book II (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember Rising: The Green Ember Book III (Updated Cover) × 1 Ember's End: The Green Ember Book IV (Updated Cover) × 1