The Last Archer: The Green Ember Archer 1 (Updated Cover) × 1 The First Fowler: Green Ember Archer 2 (Updated Cover) × 1 The Archer's Cup: Green Ember Archer 3 (Updated Cover) × 1
The Last Archer: The Green Ember Archer 1 (Updated Cover) × 1 The First Fowler: Green Ember Archer 2 (Updated Cover) × 1 The Archer's Cup: Green Ember Archer 3 (Updated Cover) × 1
The Last Archer: The Green Ember Archer 1 (Updated Cover) × 1 The First Fowler: Green Ember Archer 2 (Updated Cover) × 1 The Archer's Cup: Green Ember Archer 3 (Updated Cover) × 1
The Last Archer: The Green Ember Archer 1 (Updated Cover) × 1 The First Fowler: Green Ember Archer 2 (Updated Cover) × 1 The Archer's Cup: Green Ember Archer 3 (Updated Cover) × 1
The Story of Civilizationreflects a new emphasis in presenting the history of the world as a thrilling and compelling narrative. Within each chapter, children will encounter short stories that place them directly in the shoes of historical figures, both famous and ordinary, as they live through legendary battles and invasions, philosophical debates, the construction of architectural wonders, the discovery of new inventions and sciences, and the exploration of the world.
The Story of Civilizationreflects a new emphasis in presenting the history of the world as a thrilling and compelling narrative. Within each chapter, children will encounter short stories that place them directly in the shoes of historical figures, both famous and ordinary, as they live through legendary battles and invasions, philosophical debates, the construction of architectural wonders, the discovery of new inventions and sciences, and the exploration of the world.
The Story of Civilizationreflects a new emphasis in presenting the history of the world as a thrilling and compelling narrative. Within each chapter, children will encounter short stories that place them directly in the shoes of historical figures, both famous and ordinary, as they live through legendary battles and invasions, philosophical debates, the construction of architectural wonders, the discovery of new inventions and sciences, and the exploration of the world.
The Story of Civilizationreflects a new emphasis in presenting the history of the world as a thrilling and compelling narrative. Within each chapter, children will encounter short stories that place them directly in the shoes of historical figures, both famous and ordinary, as they live through legendary battles and invasions, philosophical debates, the construction of architectural wonders, the discovery of new inventions and sciences, and the exploration of the world.
The Story of Civilizationreflects a new emphasis in presenting the history of the world as a thrilling and compelling narrative. Within each chapter, children will encounter short stories that place them directly in the shoes of historical figures, both famous and ordinary, as they live through legendary battles and invasions, philosophical debates, the construction of architectural wonders, the discovery of new inventions and sciences, and the exploration of the world.
The Story of Civilizationreflects a new emphasis in presenting the history of the world as a thrilling and compelling narrative. Within each chapter, children will encounter short stories that place them directly in the shoes of historical figures, both famous and ordinary, as they live through legendary battles and invasions, philosophical debates, the construction of architectural wonders, the discovery of new inventions and sciences, and the exploration of the world.
All the other bulls run, jump, and butt their heads together in fights. Ferdinand, on the other hand, would rather sit and smell the flowers. So what will happen when Ferdinand is picked for the bullfights in Madrid?
The Story of God Our King traces the kingship of God, the royal nature of his people, and his victory over the serpentine enemy through the story of Scripture.
He’s a King like no other, defender and friend.
Always and forever, world without end.
One of the high points in the history of world civilization was the Elizabethan Age in England, when the English were setting sail to explore the New World, and when poets and playwrights like Ben Jonson and Will Shakespeare were fashioning the crown of English literature.
The inspiration of the age—and the one who gave a name to it—was Queen Elizabeth, the high-spirited, redhaired daughter of Henry VIII.
From the Publisher:
Reveals the real-life stories behind dozens of brilliant ideas, from the invention of the wheel, to the hi-tech gadgets of today. Describes the successes - and failures - of inventions in transport, food, household gadgets, communication, clothing, medicine and more.
Humorously illustrated by Adam Larkum, with cartoons and simple diagrams showing how the inventions work. Includes invention timelines, a glossary and internet links to websites with games, biographies and tips on becoming an inventor.
From Beautiful Feet Books:
The peasant girl whom Winston Churchill call “the greatest heroine of European history” continues to inspire the hearts of people across the globe, particularly all who struggle against tyranny and oppression.
The captivating story of Joan of Arc, a young visionary driven by faith, courage, and divine guidance, who defied the odds to inspire a nation and shape history.
In this enchanting version of the story of King Arthur, the renowned American illustrator and storyteller Howard Pyle displays his unique talent for capturing and stimulating the imaginations of the young. Inventively retold and vividly illustrated, these stories describe the perilous and thrilling adventures of King Arthur and his knights in that glorious age of chivalry and honor.
After showing how Arthur established his right to the throne by drawing the sword from the anvil, the author then relates the story of Arthur's battle with the Sable Knight and his securing the sword Excalibur ― "the most beautiful and the most famous sword in all the world." He tells of Arthur's confrontations with the Duke of North Umber and Sir Pellias, describes King Arthur's wooing and wedding the Lady Guinevere, and tells of the establishment of the Round Table. Tales are told, too, of Arthur's knights, including Merlin the Wise, Sir Pellias (or the Gentle Knight) and of course, Sir Gawaine. One of the key points in the book is Arthur's search for the answer to the riddle "What is it that a woman most desires?" with his life at stake.
This is the definitive children's version of the Arthurian legend, for generations a special favorite with youngsters of all ages. Its reputation, richly deserved, rests as much upon the illustrations as on the delightful tales themselves. And no wonder, for as an illustrator of children's books, Pyle had no peer. Bold and unforgettable as only Pyle's skilled hand could make them, these drawings convey at a glance the whole aura of that splendid age and help to make this a book that boys and girls will cherish for years to come.
These stories have inspired numerous film adaptations, including the 2017 release Knights of the Roundtable: King Arthur, directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Charlie Hunnam, Jude Law, Eric Bana, Djimon Hounsou, and Annabelle Wallis.
The Last Archer: The Green Ember Archer 1 (Updated Cover) × 1 The First Fowler: Green Ember Archer 2 (Updated Cover) × 1 The Archer's Cup: Green Ember Archer 3 (Updated Cover) × 1