Music Appreciation: Book 2 - Student Activity Book × 1 Music Appreciation Book 2 - Lapbook × 1 Frederick Chopin, The Early Years × 1 Frederick Chopin, The Later Years × 1 Robert Schumann and Mascot Ziff × 1 Adventures of Richard Wagner × 1 Stephen Foster and His Little Dog Tray × 1 The Young Brahms × 1 The Story of Peter Tchaikovsky × 1 Peter Tchaikovsky and the Nutcracker Ballet × 1 Edward MacDowell and His Cabin in the Pines × 1
Music Appreciation: Book 2 - Student Activity Book × 1 Music Appreciation Book 2 - Lapbook × 1 Frederick Chopin, The Early Years × 1 Frederick Chopin, The Later Years × 1 Robert Schumann and Mascot Ziff × 1 Adventures of Richard Wagner × 1 Stephen Foster and His Little Dog Tray × 1 The Young Brahms × 1 The Story of Peter Tchaikovsky × 1 Peter Tchaikovsky and the Nutcracker Ballet × 1 Edward MacDowell and His Cabin in the Pines × 1
Music Appreciation: Book 2 - Student Activity Book × 1 Music Appreciation Book 2 - Lapbook × 1 Frederick Chopin, The Early Years × 1 Frederick Chopin, The Later Years × 1 Robert Schumann and Mascot Ziff × 1 Adventures of Richard Wagner × 1 Stephen Foster and His Little Dog Tray × 1 The Young Brahms × 1 The Story of Peter Tchaikovsky × 1 Peter Tchaikovsky and the Nutcracker Ballet × 1 Edward MacDowell and His Cabin in the Pines × 1
Music Appreciation: Book 2 - Student Activity Book × 1 Music Appreciation Book 2 - Lapbook × 1 Frederick Chopin, The Early Years × 1 Frederick Chopin, The Later Years × 1 Robert Schumann and Mascot Ziff × 1 Adventures of Richard Wagner × 1 Stephen Foster and His Little Dog Tray × 1 The Young Brahms × 1 The Story of Peter Tchaikovsky × 1 Peter Tchaikovsky and the Nutcracker Ballet × 1 Edward MacDowell and His Cabin in the Pines × 1
Important Note:This package can be customized. The price stated above is based on selecting 26 of the lowest-cost books.
Starting with the 1910 publication of Old Mother West Wind, Burgess wrote thousands of stories in the course of his 50-year career. This 26-book set draws readers into The Green Forest, where they share in the adventures of Peter Cottontail, Bobby Raccoon, Granny Fox, and other lovable animals.
Where did Grandfather Frog get his big mouth, and why doesn't Buster Bear have a tail? When did Mr. Bluebird win his coat, and how did Howler the Wolf get his name? This charming collection of fables transports readers and listeners into Thornton Burgess's Green Forest. In the magical woodland home of Peter Cottontail, Bob White, Spotty the Turtle, and other adventurous animals, children learn gentle lessons about ecology and respect for the environment.
These 17 stories originated with the author's Old Mother West Wind series of "Why," "How," "When," and "Where" books. This modern edition features vibrantly re-colored versions of Harrison Cady's original illustrations. Each tale is just a few pages long — ideal for bedtime reading and quickly lulling children off to sleep.
Original selection from Thornton W. Burgess's Mother West Wind Stories "Why," "How," "When," and "Where" books, Little, Brown, and Company, 1915–1918 editions.
Thoughts for Young Men is tremendously important: the changes in society have led to young men being marginalized and many are far more interested in the latest online games than Christian faith.
Three little girls stand before a large iron gate. It is the gate to the Baron’s estate, and beyond it are dark, scary woods. The three little girls are Dinah, Suzy, and Joanne, and their faces are streaked with fear. They stare at the padlock and chain that hold the gate shut. Joey, their baby brother, is somewhere on the other side of that gate. And it is their fault! How will they get him out?
Evoking small town life in Oregon during World War I with vividness and a clear sense of time and character, Evelyn Sibley Lampman has created a very human and dramatic story that will carry its readers along to a most satisfying conclusion.
Once upon a time three little horses, Blackie, Brownie, and Whitey, grazed together in a meadow full of lovely thick grass. Wherever one went, the other two followed. One day they met an artist named Peter, who was so happy to have met them. “We shall have good times together, you’ll see,” he told the three little horses.
These dear and unforgettable characters, first introduced in 1958, are back in this sparkling new edition faithfully reproduced from the original story. Both boys and girls alike will enjoy sharing in their adventures.
Once upon a time three little horses grazed together in a meadow full of lovely, thick grass. Wherever one went, the other two followed.
One day they met an artist named Peter, who was so happy to have found them. “We shall have good times together, you’ll see,” he told the three little horses.
Roger, Danny, and Willy are out on a hunt. Very quietly they tiptoe through the woods. Are there any tigers or bears or elephants? With pistols, swords, and bows the three brave hunters are ready for every encounter. Or are they? At once a little kitten in need of compassion is spotted. Was it dying? How will the brave hunters deal with sickness and sadness?
From the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation came two outstanding statements of faith: The Heidelberg Catechism (1563) and the Belgic Confession (1561). The stories behind these two historic documents are in this small book.
Please choose one of the two options: DVD set or Online streaming.
The online streaming product is a lifetime membership that gives you unlimited access to stream the OnlineInstructional Lessons.
Sophocles, “famous for wisdom,” won the playwright competition at the Festival of Dionysus many times. Here is the story of Oedipus, fated to unknowingly kill his father and marry his mother. This is the great myth, influencing all subsequent literature. Fate, free will, the quest for knowledge and truth—the glory and downfall of Western civilization.
This 1872 sequel to Lewis Carroll's beloved Alice's Adventures in Wonderland finds the inquisitive heroine in a fantastic land where everything is reversed. Looking-glass land, a topsy-turvy world lurking just behind the mirror over Alice's mantel, is a fantastic realm of live chessmen, madcap kings and queens, strange mythological creatures, talking flowers and puddings, and rude insects.
To go to Grandmother’s house, Bob, Betsy, and Benjamin have to go through the woods. In the woods there are unseen eyes on the three children — the eyes of the jolly baker, who pulls a trick on them, the eyes of a little bird, which they trap in their basket, and the eyes of a scary old woman, whom they take to be a wicked witch. The children get caught in the woods during a frightful thunderstorm, and they find out about another set of eyes.
Music Appreciation: Book 2 - Student Activity Book × 1 Music Appreciation Book 2 - Lapbook × 1 Frederick Chopin, The Early Years × 1 Frederick Chopin, The Later Years × 1 Robert Schumann and Mascot Ziff × 1 Adventures of Richard Wagner × 1 Stephen Foster and His Little Dog Tray × 1 The Young Brahms × 1 The Story of Peter Tchaikovsky × 1 Peter Tchaikovsky and the Nutcracker Ballet × 1 Edward MacDowell and His Cabin in the Pines × 1