Finding Hope Under Bethlehem Skies takes us on an Advent journey through 25 daily reflections. Each day has a short devotion, a suggested prayer and links to a response song. Come along to Bethlehem and discover the hope that shines brightly even on the darkest of nights.Sku: 9781913896546
Finding Hope Under Bethlehem Skies: An Advent Devotional
By: Robin Ham$12.50 -
The Reformation was a time of exciting and radical change. The leaders would have been under great pressure as they stood firmly for their convictions in the face of danger and threats. What would it have been like for the women who stood beside and supported them?Sku: 9781909611764
First Wives Club
By: Clare Heath Whyte$17.95 -
The nineteenth century saw great innovation and change. The modern world grew and flourished at the hands of great creators and scientists. There were opportunities for Christian men to influence their society and culture for good, and these key figures were often supported and sustained by unsung heroes – their wives.Sku: 9781912373307
For Richer or Poorer
By: Clare Heath Whyte$17.95 -
From the Publisher: Forgiveness is a familiar, loving and often liberating word, yet it can often be a confusing, unnatural or even painful action. While we may not always want to admit it, we all need forgiveness. Using a story Jesus told, this little book carefully reflects on what it means for us to be truly forgiven, at great cost, and how our response to this should in turn shape how we offer forgiveness to others. The message of this book shows how forgiveness can be freeing and positive. The book includes thoughtful questions, for personal or group reflection, to help us see how a deeper understanding of forgiveness can be a great source of joy to ourselves and to others, as we learn to forgive freely, motivated by the love we have been shown.Sku: 9781909611634
By: J Marsden$8.50 -
From the Publisher: What kind of Christmas are you? Real tree? Or plastic? Carols by candlelight? Or office party? Queen’s speech? Or Doctor Who special? Four Kinds of Christmas explores four approaches to the festive season: Scrooge, Shopper, Santa and Stable. Which are you? You can take the test at fourkindsofChristmas.com and find out! On one level, it’s just a bit of fun. On another level it’s about something deeper – our approaches to life. How do we view the world? How do we view the future? How do we view ourselves? And where do we look to find answers? This Christmas, billions of people will stop to honour the birth of history’s central figure. Maybe Jesus can make sense of things. Have a read and see what you think. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59suAek3sqo&ab_channel=SpeakLife[/embed]Sku: 9781910587454
Four Kinds of Christmas
By: Glen Scrivener$8.50 -
“You’re mine and I’m going to call you Friska.” When Friska the dog came to live with Colin and his family, Colin thought that he and Friska would be friends forever. But, when Friska disappears, Colin begins to find out what ‘You are mine’ really means, and who is saying those words to him.Sku: 9781785062803
Friska My Friend
By: Patricia St John$13.95 -
From the Publisher: Can you tell a fake from the real thing? From tanning to designer gear it’s not always easy to spot a fake. But what about you? Are you the real deal? You may have the right clothes, hair, a zingy new phone, and the coolest of mates… but are you genuine? Are you a real teenager as God intended? In this book you’ll meet six genuine teenagers; real people from the pages of the Bible. Together we’ll discover their dreams and difficulties, and see how they transformed the world rather than conformed to it. Fakes don’t last. They might look good for a while but the tan goes streaky and the gadgets break. The real thing stands the test of time. So grab a seat, start reading, and with God’s help see how you can become a real teenager. This is a punchy book that looks at the lessons teenagers can learn from the lives of six teenagers from the Bible. This book is written for 13–19 year olds and is ideal for camps and youth groups.Sku: 9781906173708
By: CB Martin, Warren Wiersbe$13.50 -
From the Publisher: In a society where religion is increasingly private, and faith is OK as long as it’s not shared, many would seek to keep God out of their politics. But is that right, and is it biblical? This is an important topic to consider, not just for those working in government, but for all of us as we seek to be responsible citizens in a fallen world. Mark Dever unpacks what the Bible has to say on this topic, and teaches how we can ‘Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s’ without compromising on what we believe. We’ll see that our duty to God is comprehensive and that there isn’t an area of life that we can separate from His influence. This little book won’t take long to read, but its impact could last a lifetime.Sku: 9781910587430
God and Politics
By: Mark Dever$8.50 -
In 1957, newly-qualified nurse Lily Gaynor set sail for Guinea-Bissau to live among the Papel tribe. Tuberculosis, malaria and typhoid were rife. Children were grossly malnourished; witchdoctors flourished. Lily set up a clinic under the mango trees administering penicillin — ‘God’s Needle’.Sku: 9781914966286
God’s Needle
By: John Butterworth$17.95 -
From the Publisher: Wouldn't you just love to grab a Christian, sit them down in the hot seat and grill them mercilessly on the tough questions about God, the Bible and the world? There are the tricky questions that everyone asks, like Why does God allow suffering? and How can a God of love send people to Hell? Or perhaps you have more specific ones, such as Who did Cain marry? Was Jesus really born by a virgin? and Does God care about my carbon footprint? In Grill a Christian, international speaker and author Roger Carswell gives straightforward, no-nonsense answers from the Bible to these burning questions and many more. If you have ever wished you could have your question about God answered, or perhaps people ask you and you re not sure what to say, then this book is for you it probably has the answer!Sku: 9781906173111
Grill A Christian
By: Roger Carswell$13.50 -
From the Publisher:Christians are under increasing pressure to be silent. We’re led to believe that, at best, our beliefs are outdated, and at worst they are dangerous. Silenced by fear, it’s all too easy to keep quiet.But our Christian faith was never meant to be private. Jesus’ followers are instructed to be deliberately and willingly different, seeking to share the life-changing good news they’ve heard with everyone, whatever the cost. We might feel that we fall very short of this confident evangelistic lifestyle, but John Lennox shows us that any one of us can become an effective gospel witness.Using examples from the Bible and from his own life, John explains practically how we can winsomely share Jesus with our friends, despite our fears. He argues that it is possible to stand up to the pressure society places on us, and in so doing we’ll find our Christian life grows in strength and joy.Sku: 9781912373611
Have No Fear
By: John Lennox$9.50 -
From the Publisher:In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus rebukes the religious leaders for honoring him with their lips but resisting him in their hearts. When we read the Bible we don't just want to fill our heads with knowledge. We study with our heads so that we will love Jesus with our hearts. And we want that love to overflow into genuine action with our hands. Learning to understand the Bible is exciting and empowering, and these Bible reading notes will train you to unpack Bible truths for yourself and will help you share them with friends. Head Heart Hands is a 3 volume Bible reading notes series through Matthew's Gospel aimed at teenagers.Sku: 9781912373857
Head Heart Hands
By: Linda Allcock$22.95 -
This short book captures how fixing our eyes on heaven will transform our Christian experience here on earth, bringing assurance, hope and purpose.Sku: 9781913896522
Heavenly Minded
By: Mary Willson Hannah$6.95 -
We are familiar with the stories of Bible heroes like Abraham, Moses and Daniel, but perhaps we neglect to consider their faithfulness through their later years. The Bible provides us with numerous examples of what trusting the Lord and walking with Him looks like when we are older. In these undated devotions Roger Hitchings draws on these examples to encourage us to keep going for God, even when our pace of life slows. Let these devotions help you reflect on the truth that our later years can be a time of great blessing, giving us the opportunity to pass our wisdom onto those around us and to enjoy the fruit of a life walked faithfully with God.Sku: 9781910587232
Heroes of the Bible
By: Roger Hitchings$9.50 -
SaleJ. C Ryle wrote this timeless classic on holiness over a hundred years ago, yet how poignant his words still are for us today. Holiness, Ryle argued, was not simply a matter of believing and feeling, but of doing.Sku: 9781909611801
By: J C Ryle$17.95Original price was: $17.95.$11.67Current price is: $11.67.By: J C Ryle$17.95Original price was: $17.95.$11.67Current price is: $11.67. Add to cart Quick View -
From the Publisher: 20 undated devotions that offer hope in times of trial. Since being diagnosed with incurable cancer, Jeremy Marshall has been known for his ability to connect the difficulties that Christians face in this life with the deep seated joy that is found in knowing the Lord Jesus. Hope in the Face of Suffering — his first devotional, based upon his ‘Lift Up Your Hearts’ GAFCON broadcasts — offers twenty inspirational messages for tough times. Jeremy helps readers apply the principles he has learned through his own experience of dealing with terminal cancer. He holds out the message of hope in the Bible — the medicine cabinet where we can find treatment for our suffering — and meditates on God’s promises, which are like a rock upon which we can stand secure.Sku: 9781913896126
Hope in the Face of Suffering
By: Jeremy Marshall$12.50