Fourth Form Latin - Student Text × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Student Workbook × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Manual × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Quizzes & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Flashcards × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Instructional Lessons (Online Streaming) × 1
Fourth Form Latin - Student Text × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Student Workbook × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Manual × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Quizzes & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Flashcards × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Instructional Lessons (Online Streaming) × 1
Fourth Form Latin - Student Text × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Student Workbook × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Manual × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Quizzes & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Flashcards × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Instructional Lessons (Online Streaming) × 1
Fourth Form Latin - Student Text × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Student Workbook × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Manual × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Quizzes & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Flashcards × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Instructional Lessons (Online Streaming) × 1
Sammy Jay thinks he's a very fine gentleman and is proud of his handsome blue coat and high cap. But Sammy often does things he shouldn't do — like stealing. Nobody likes to be told he's a thief — especially Sammy Jay! Much of the time, he just struts around, trying to look important when he thinks someone is looking at him. Filled with pranks and rivalries, this delightful tale — enhanced with Harrison Cady's charming illustrations — combines humorous animal escapades with gentle lessons about wildlife and nature.
One of the most prolific and best-loved writers of children's books, Thornton W. Burgess (1874–1965) created heartwarming tales of animals and their natural habitats. His stories, bestsellers year after year, have thrilled generations of youngsters.
Reprint of the Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1915 edition.
Better than hiring a tour guide to the fictional town of St. Pertersburg, Missouri, this comprehension guide takes you chapter by chapter through Tom's shenanigans and includes projects that are much more fun than whitewashing Aunt Polly's fence.
TheStudent Guide features reading notes, vocabulary, comprehension questions, and Socratic discussion questions that dive deeply into the main themes of the text.
The Teacher Guide features the answers to all comprehension questions and Socratic discussion questions from the Student Guide. TheTeacher Guide also includes a unit test to be administered after completion of each of the three units.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Student Guide and Teacher Guide serve as the perfect companion to Mark Twain’s classic work. Essential for any complete literature program, this book and the accompanying guides make learning from Tom Sawyer simple and accessible.
When Unc' Billy Possum learns how easy it is to get into trouble, it takes some doin' to get himself out of his predicament. First of all, he didn't go home when he should have. The next thing he knew, he was a prisoner! But with the help of his friends, especially Happy Jack Squirrel, Unc' manages to find a way out of his difficult situation.
Master storyteller Thornton Burgess beguiles young readers and nature lovers with another tale about the delightful creatures of the Green Forest and the Green Meadows.
Reprint of the Little, Brown, and Company, Boston, 1919 edition.
There are three works that are at the source of Western culture: the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid. After you have completed your study of Homer’s two works, Virgil’s epic story of the founding of Rome, the Aeneid, is your next logical Great Book to study.
Now your students can get the background they need to understand the Aeneid with our instructional DVDs, featuring Elizabeth Pierce, one of Highlands Latin School’s master teachers. Mrs. Pierce’s compelling lectures will give your students a better understanding of the background and culture of the time period, as well as the themes inherent in this great epic.
The Aeneid Student Guide includes Places & Characters To Know, Comprehension Questions, important Quotations, and Discussion Questions. The answers are contained in the Aeneid Teacher Guide.
There are three works that are at the source of Western culture: the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid. After you have completed your study of Homer’s two works, Virgil’s epic story of the founding of Rome, the Aeneid, is your next logical Great Book to study.
The Alice, Peter, and Mole Trilogy parent manual includes a short essay by Michael about each novel, vocabulary words to study in advance of the readings, language illustration questions, quotations for quote quizzes, discussion questions and activities, and suggestions for academic writing practice.
The Alice, Peter, and Mole Trilogy teacher manual includes a short essay by Michael about each novel, vocabulary words to study in advance of the readings, language illustration questions, quotations for quote quizzes, discussion questions and activities, and suggestions for academic writing practice.
Without Mama, life in the log house at the forest's edge can be lonely for a little girl. But there's Papa for company, and the two mules, Bartholomew and Thaddeus Frisco, and the big old dog that mysteriously showed up at the end of winter. Everything about her little homestead seems sheltering and secure--that is, until an ominous storm settles over the valley and threatens to take it all away. As the flood waters rise and separate the girl from her Papa, will there be anything that can save her?
This book contains ten units, each one featuring a different animal. Each unit covers such topics as animals’ food, habitat, and adaptations and includes an activity plan and activity sheets. The activity sheets encourage children to use thinking processes, research skills, and inquiry skills in order to develop science concepts and become more independent learners.
This book contains ten units, each one featuring a different animal. Each unit covers such topics as animals’ food, habitat, and adaptations and includes an activity plan and activity sheets. The activity sheets encourage children to use thinking processes, research skills, and inquiry skills in order to develop science concepts and become more independent learners.
Fourth Form Latin - Student Text × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Student Workbook × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Manual × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Teacher Key for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Quizzes & Tests × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Flashcards × 1 Fourth Form Latin - Instructional Lessons (Online Streaming) × 1