Charlotte Mason’s beginning math lessons seem to be tailor-made for an early elementary child.
Lessons are mainly oral and are carefully graduated, with your child answering small word problems within their understanding (no reading required). They work out the problems in a hands-on way using a variety of common, everyday objects. This straightforward but interesting teaching guides your children to make discoveries on their own.
From the Publisher:
In Book 2, your student will solidify and learn the addition tables up to 10 + 10 and the multiplication tables up to 6 x 10. Addition and subtraction with three-digit numbers, including carrying and borrowing, will also be introduced with step-by-step, interactive lessons that encourage your child to work confidently with larger numbers, as well as with money.
For grade 2 you will need The Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic Series, Book 2, and a Math Notebook for your child (3/4″ or 1/2″ grid recommended).
You and your child are sure to enjoy these simple, lively lessons that will provide further practice in the processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Your student will master multiplication tables for the numbers 7 through 10; delve further into division with long division and an introduction to fractions; and read, write, and work with numbers up to 10,000. She will also have an introduction to weights and measures with an active hands-on approach— including measures of volume, weight, distance, and time.
Engaging lessons that nurture mathematical thinking and help your student advance in addition and subtraction up to 1,000,000, as well as multiplication and division with larger numbers; continue work in fractions; introduce decimals; and provide a hands-on investigation of both metric and US standard measures, including measures of area, cubic measure, and volume.
Engaging lessons that nurture mathematical thinking and help your student advance in understanding decimals and fractions, working with factors and both greatest and least common measures.
Your student will also continue work with drawing to scale along with measures in decimals and fractions, using both the US standard and metric systems.
As he watches his homeland of Hungary being taken over and run by invaders from Nazi Germany, young Prince Michael of Chestry strives to retain his identity and integrity during one of the most dangerous seasons in human history.
Hundreds of thousands of children throughout the world have been introduced to the riches of the Bible through this classic Bible storybook. First published seventy years ago, the much-loved Child's Story Bible continues to instruct and delight today's children and parents.
Dear Little Friend,
Will you try to read a page of this book every morning? I do not want it to take the place of your Bible; but I know that very often schoolboys and schoolgirls are hurried in the morning, and have not time to read their Bible till the evening. This little message will not take you long to read; and I have prayed that God may bless it to you day by day. You will see that we begin the year with the words of Jesus, and we end it with His words. We do not go straight through the Bible, but you will notice that we get our messages from every part of it. Will you try to live out your text every day? Think about it, and act upon it, and ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of it during the day.
Your affectionate friend,
Amy Le Feuvre
It begins with the New Testament and traces the Church through the Middle Ages, the Reformation, the Church in the New World and finally the Church in the early nineteenth century. A must for all who want to study the Church.
Young students who learn to write well need one-on-one instruction—something which your child’s classroom may not offer.
In The Complete Writer series, Susan Wise Bauer turns every parent into a writing teacher. No experience is needed.
Drawing on her fifteen years of experience in teaching writing, Susan lays out a carefully-designed sequence of steps that will teach every student to put words on paper with ease and grace. This alternative plan for teaching writing combines the best elements of old-fashioned writing instruction with innovative new educational methods—and explains why so many writing programs fail.
Designed for elementary-aged writers and for older students who still struggle, Writing With Ease builds a sturdy foundation of basic skills for grades 1–4 (or levels 1–4 for the older student who needs more work) all in the same book. Diagnostic tests within the book will help the parent to determine where the child needs to start and which workbook the child will need.
You can use the text by itself as a guide, then choose your own copywork and dictation; or you can buy the workbooks, which do all the work for you. Each workbook covers one grade.
See Susan’s updated grade recommendations here.Writing With Ease Diagnostic Evaluations
Increase teacher confidence with the scripted dialogue and detailed explanations in the Level 1 Instructor Text! Teach students to analyze and imitate great writers with original composition exercises in history, science, biography, and literature. Student Workbookalso required.
Traditional principles. Contemporary methods. Unparalleled results.
This groundbreaking new writing series combines time-tested classical techniques—the imitation and analysis of great writers—with original composition exercises in history, science, biography, and literature. The Workbook is written directly to the student to foster independence and gives essential training in organization, composition structure, and research methods.