Let your student see history rather than just read about it!
The stuff that the ancient civilizations left behind tells a deep story. Those ancient artifacts and architecture reveal much about what life was like throughout the great eras of history. Now you can bring those ancient storytellers into your home and introduce them to your students in a focused, yet gentle way.
With The Stuff They Left Behind from the Days of the Middle Ages portfolios you can
Enhance any history curriculum.
View each artifact’s details in a focused, uncluttered setting.
Gently introduce common art and architecture forms.
Encourage personal observation and meaningful discussion.
Help your child make connections with the people and events of the past.
This portfolio collection consists of sixteen large, full-color photographs of important artifacts and architecture. A handy booklet is included to provide Leading Thoughts with interesting background information and discussion questions. Everything comes in an attractive portfolio that will keep the era’s treasures organized and handy.
Help your children understand more of the story of history through the fascinating stuff that people who lived in the days of the Middle Ages left behind!
From the Publisher:
The sun is out in the day and always has a circle shape. The moon’s shape seems to change, and you can sometimes see it in the daytime and at night. What are the sun and the moon? How are they the same and how do they differ? Hop into your spaceship and find out!
The Talisman, one of Sir Walter Scott's greatest novels, is the story of a Scottish Knight who sets out for the Holy Land during the Third Crusade to join Richard the Lion-Hearted in the confrontation between Christianity and Islam.
Avoiding the common ideological stereotypes we so often hear today, Scott articulates through this classic story the real issue between the two religions without cant or prejudice.
This book is like a toolbox, full of different kinds of tools you can use for different thinking tasks. Just as you use the wrench in a regular tool box to fix the sink, so you can use the tools we give you in this book to solve thinking problems.
Now your child can enjoy The Time Machine by H.G. Wells as a Michael Clay Thompson language-illustrated classic. The novel is reproduced in its entirety and includes Michael's "language illustrations"—close-ups of poetic techniques, four-level analyses of interesting grammar, and comments about writing strategies. Challenging vocabulary is defined at the bottom of each page.
According to Michael, the novel is "a supreme work of the imagination, a work so captivating in its vivid description of the distant future that the reader scarcely notices the radical art of the work, such as the almost total absence of dialogue and the fact that the main character is never named. The astounding final chapters are visionary to a degree almost unique in literature.... The novel has it all: brilliant vocabulary, reflection on the implications of science, subtle and wry commentary on governmental and social systems, reflections on morality, a deep portrait of a creative genius whose mind isolates him even from his friends, luminous poetic writing, dazzling images...everything. It is a one-book humanities course."
The Transparent Eyeball guidebook, for both instructors and the students themselves, explores the philosophical bases behind the concepts introduced in the novel and includes excerpts of works by Thoreau, Emerson, Alcott, Wordsworth, Margaret Fuller, and others who were central to the Transcendentalist Movement. It also provides in-depth discussion questions about both the readings and the novel.
TJ begins having vivid dreams that take him back to the nineteenth century, where he meets Henry David Thoreau and learns about Transcendentalism. TJ soon learns that his classmate Ivy is sharing the dream with him.
Together they must solve a murder mystery, which requires them to learn about the views of the Transcendentalists on slavery, women’s rights, and humans’ relationship to the natural world and to the idea of God. Ultimately, Transcendentalism gives TJ a new perspective on how he wants to live his life.
The Student Guide contains questions that correspond with the The Trojan War text. As the student makes their way through the Student Guide, their reading comprehension skills will not only be sharpened, but so will their ability to formulate clear and concise answers.
The Teacher Guide contains answers to the questions contained within the Student Guide. Also, the Teacher Guide contains quizzes, tests, and the answer key.
In this retelling of the Trojan War, Olivia Coolidge crafts heroes and gods into real multidimensional characters, not just the figures of legend. Vibrant storytelling and finely wrought actions have made her version of the classic tale of the Fall of Troy accessible to generations of young readers.
Filled with suspense, romance, and historical details, here's a very young biography of the Powhatan Indian princess who played a vital role in early Colonial and Native American relations.
Join Ethan and Emily through a series of stories that share the inspiring events and powerful ideas behind the founding of America.
Volume 2 continues the adventure of American history, with some really exciting events happening in 1776 and beyond!
Join Ethan and Emily through a series of stories that share the inspiring events and powerful ideas behind the founding of America.
This is an essential book for every freedom-loving family who wants their children to learn about America’s past so we can create a better future together.
Volume 2 continues the adventure of American history, with some really exciting events happening in 1776 and beyond!
This book covers the Revolutionary War, the creation of the Constitution, and the ratification of the Bill of Rights. Go beyond the superficial history tidbits found in other history books for kids, and help the little ones in your life learn more deeply from the ideas of America’s founding!