In Adventures on Planet Earth, your student will explore topics spanning from ecology to stewardship of our world. Through conversational lessons, hands-on expression, and activities, your student will encounter God’s design as they learn about biomes, climates, the food chain, trees, forest structure, decomposers, symbiotic relationships, and more.
While exploring four of the world’s major biomes, your student will also compile a personalized Science Notebook to document and share what they’ve learned each week.
Along the way, they’ll discover hidden treasures that teach them more about their relationship with God as they encounter His wisdom, power, and majesty on display in creation.
This one-year course is designed to be studied five times a week with lessons completed in approximately 20-30 minutes.
Using the Master Books’ method of education, this full-color course offers:
- Conversational lessons
- Apply It opportunities
- Digging Deeper into topics
- Writing and drawing in their own Science Notebook
- A helpful course calendar and materials list to make completing the course easier.
- Vocabulary words highlighted throughout.
- Opportunities for students to create their own models of the biomes!
Course Objectives
Students completing this course will:
- Explore elements of ecology including the food chain, climates, forest structure, symbiotic relationships, stewardship, and decomposition
- Discover that science teaches many lessons about God and our relationship with Him
- Learn to watch for elements of God’s design as they study science
- Compile a unique Science Notebook as they document what they’ve learned and share it with others
Presented as a conversation between siblings Ben and Hannah, Let’s Talk Science 3: Adventures on Planet Earth is an exciting and easy-to-use science course. Your homeschool student will discover unique and interesting places on our planet while expanding their vocabulary and developing a deeper understanding of God as Creator and His Word.
Supplemental video instruction is offered at
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Ecology
- The Boreal Forest Climate
- Conifers
- The Lodgepole Pine
- The Food Chain 1
- The Food Chain 2
- A Broken Web
- A Web Restored
- Boreal Biome Project
- Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Deciduous Trees
- The Forest Canopy
- Under the Canopy
- The Forest Floor
- Decomposition
- Lichens
- Forest Relationships
- Deciduous Biome Project
- Tropical Rainforest
- Emergent Layer
- Canopy
- Birds of the Canopy
- The Sloth
- Monkeys of the Canopy
- The Understory
- Rainforest Floor
- Rainforest Biome Project
- The Grassland
- Savannah Grasses
- Acacia Trees
- The Elephant
- Savannah Animals
- Grassland Biome Project
- The Image of God
- Stewardship
- Review
Titles in Series:
Adventures in the World Around Me – Level K
Adventures in Creation – Level 1
Adventures in the Physical World – Level 2
Adventures on Planet Earth – Level 3
Adventures in the Scientific Method – Level 4
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