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Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd ed. – Textbook, Solutions and Tests Manual, and Student Notebook $211.70

Apologia’s homeschool biology course for high school is part of Apologia’s award-winning Exploring Creation Series. With a strong emphasis on vocabulary and experiments, Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, is a foundational course that covers everything students need to prepare successfully for a college-level biology course.

Please note that our Biology 3rd edition textbook has been reprinted in a softcover version. You can read our complete formal statement about this transition on the FAQ Knowledge Base here.

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Overview of Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, Softcover Textbook

This softcover student textbook, Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, is designed to be the student’s first high school science course. It is a college-prep biology course that provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general biology.

In this course, your student will:

  • See the evidence of God’s creation as they learn scientific principles
  • Conduct experiments in a methodical way that prepares them not just for future classes, but for life
  • Take personal notes, conduct and record experiments, and be able to interpret results
  • Develop skills to think through and beyond the textbook materials, and be able to create their own experiments from concept to interpretation of results
  • Further develop skills in their own learning style and how they best process, record, study, and retain information learned
  • Be able to hold a logical discussion on God and science based on facts and beliefs

What’s Inside Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, Softcover Textbook?

Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, softcover student textbook covers everything students need to prepare for a college-level biology course. The materials are updated with deeper explanations of certain concepts, and new graphics help students understand the life sciences.

In the 3rd Edition, your student will find:

  • Updated content to present the most current science
  • A reorganized structure of the information, which helps students logically progress through their biological studies
  • Experiments which have been updated or replaced, and the addition of new experiments
  • New illustrations and infographics that help students break down and visually digest difficult concepts, in addition to updated images and illustrations
  • New content, including a new section on photosynthesis and a new section on diseases.
  • An overhaul of the section on genetics, including more information on DNA

What Others Are Saying About Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition

“This high school book would make a student more than well prepared to ace a general college biology course in many ways.”

College Biology Major and Former Apologia Student

“The updated infographics and photographs are gorgeous and help a student to understand the information.”


“It’s better than ever!… The content is also thorough and up-to-date, providing a solid foundation for college-bound students.”

Cathy Duffy,

Review of Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition

“I am SO thankful for this revision of Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition. It is comprehensive, logically reorganized, and contains many useful infographics, while maintaining Apologia’s conversational-style learning from a Christian worldview and student mastery checkpoints.  It is the winner of the four biology textbooks I have reviewed for my homeschool classes.”

Biology Teacher

High School Homeschool Co-op and Adjunct Community College

Experiments, Hands-On Activities, and Topics in Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition

In this 3rd Edition, all experiments have been updated or replaced, and new ones added. The experiments come in three types: microscope labs, dissection labs, and household labs. Household labs use only common household equipment. The microscope labs, however, require a microscope and several prepared and blank slides, while the dissection labs require an additional dissection kit with specimens.

We recommend that students do every assignment in the textbook because they are each created to add value to the textual knowledge your student is gaining. As a homeschooling teacher, you have final say over what you expect your student to do or not do.

“Creation connection” and “think about this” call-outs help students see connections to a Designer and give students another way of thinking about a concept that they are studying. Our books are known for their conversational style, and these sections extend the conversation.

Topics covered include:

  • The Science of Life
    • The processes of science, including what scientists do, the scientific method, the tools of science and the limitations of science
  • The Chemistry of Life
    • The composition of matter, the properties of water, lipids, proteins, and enzymes
  • Ecology
    • Ecosystems, biomes, populations, and communities
  • Cell Structure and Function
    • Characteristics of all cells
  • Cellular Energy
    • Energy of all cells
  • DNA, Proteins, and the Cell Cycle
    • DNA replication, protein synthesis, and cell cycle & cellular reproduction
  • Genetics
    • Mendelian genetics, inheritance patterns, human genetics, and gene technologies
  • Evolution
    • Charles Darwin, micro and macroevolution, the geological column, and fossil record evidence
  • Prokaryotes and Viruses
    • Classification, Archaea, Bacteria, and Viruses
  • Protists and Fungi
    • Characteristics and classification
  • Plant Diversity and Reproduction
    • Classifying plants and life cycle
  • Plant Structure and Function
    • Plant anatomy and physiology, transporting water and nutrients, plant growth, hormones, and responses
  • Animals – Invertebrates (part 1)
    • Characteristics and diversity
  • Animals – Invertebrates (part 2)
    • Arthropods
  • Animals – Chordates (part 1)
    • Characteristics and diversity
  • Animals – Chordates (part 2)
    • Birds and mammals

Please note, this is the softcover student textbook only. You will need the Solutions and Tests Manual to complete this course.

Click to browse the sample.

The Student Notebook for Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 3rd Edition, helps your student:

  • become more independent in his or her study of science
  • learn to be an effective note-taker
  • develop the skills to correctly create a lab report

What Others Are Saying About Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition

“This high school book would make a student more than well prepared to ace a general college biology course in many ways.”

College Biology Major and Former Apologia Student

“The updated infographics and photographs are gorgeous and help a student to understand the information.”


“It’s better than ever!… The content is also thorough and up-to-date, providing a solid foundation for college-bound students.”

Cathy Duffy,

Review of Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition

A softbound Solutions and Tests Manual, which contains answers to study guides, tests, and test solutions. A set of test pages is shrink-wrapped with the manual.

Please Note: Once the shrink wrap is removed, this product is not eligible for return.

The Student Notebook for Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 3rd Edition, helps your student:

  • become more independent in his or her study of science
  • learn to be an effective note-taker
  • develop the skills to correctly create a lab report

What Others Are Saying About Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition

“This high school book would make a student more than well prepared to ace a general college biology course in many ways.”

College Biology Major and Former Apologia Student

“The updated infographics and photographs are gorgeous and help a student to understand the information.”


“It’s better than ever!… The content is also thorough and up-to-date, providing a solid foundation for college-bound students.”

Cathy Duffy,

Review of Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition

“I am SO thankful for this revision of Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition. It is comprehensive, logically reorganized, and contains many useful infographics, while maintaining Apologia’s conversational-style learning from a Christian worldview and student mastery checkpoints.  It is the winner of the four biology textbooks I have reviewed for my homeschool classes.”

Biology Teacher

High School Homeschool Co-op and Adjunct Community College

What’s Inside the Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, Student Notebook

We specifically designed this high-quality spiral-bound notebook to help your student make a successful transition to high school science. This homeschool resource will help them feel accomplished and be more independent, organized, and prepared.

This notebook works in conjunction with the textbook. There are pages where students record their notes and responses to all of the On Your Own questions. At the end of each module, Study Guide questions help the student review the materials and prepare for tests. In addition, The experiments in the textbook are in the Student Notebook to ensure students get the most from this lab credit course.

There are materials found only in the Student Notebook that walk students through the entire process of designing and performing their own experiments. This includes determining a problem they wish to understand, formulating a hypothesis, devising a test with both dependent and independent variables, as well as a control group; performing their test, analyzing data; reporting results, and deciding if their hypothesis is validated.

Note-taking helps increase retention of information, review for tests, and produce a record of their thoughts as they connect the ideas presented in the textbook with their ideas. Additionally, a student notebook helps students keep a carefully organized, detailed, and complete lab notebook, recording labs they conducted using proper scientific methodology.

Taking good notes can make the difference between mastering a concept and not entirely understanding it. Effective note-taking provides the following advantages:

  • Students stay focused on what they are reading.
  • Students pay closer attention, which will increase their retention.
  • Students have their own version of the text to review for tests.
  • Students learn to connect new information to what they already know.

Apologia Student Notebooks are designed to help students be independent and take responsibility for their science studies as they gain and maintain their personal abilities to create structure and logic through note-taking.

The notebook contains:

  • A Suggested Daily Schedule
  • Note-taking pages
  • Pages to record answers to the On Your Own questions
  • Lab report forms for each experiment in the text, which will help your student master the process of writing a formal lab report
  •  “Design Your Own Experiment” sections, which walk students through the steps involved in designing and conducting their own experiments

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Additional information



Vicki Dincher


Apologia Educational Ministries




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Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd ed. Textbook

Weight 2.72 kg
Dimensions 11.25 × 8.75 × 1.5 in



Vicki Dincher


Apologia Educational Ministries




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Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd ed. Solutions and Test Manual

Weight 1.36 kg
Dimensions 11.25 × 8.75 × .8 in



Vicki Dincher


Apologia Educational Ministries




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Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd ed. Student Notebook

Weight 1.8 kg
Dimensions 11 × 9 × 1.3 in



Vicki Dincher


Apologia Educational Ministries




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