Famous Legends

By: Emeline G. Crommelin


Bring the world of magic, myth and mystique to your home with this vibrant collection of legends old and new! With real lore gathered from many countries, this book is bound to unlock your imagination and curiosity! Fact or fiction? Up to you!

Product Description


Humans have always had a deep, riveting connection with the mystical world. Stories of magical species, divine encounters, curses, blessings, beasts and mysterious occurrences are a crucial part of our history! Passed down over generations, some stories come from a time even before the written word!

Whether it is the Americas, Europe, Africa or Asia – our world is filled with rich, diverse cultures and the stories they tell. Crommelin has wonderfully hunted down and compiled such legends for this book, containing both myths you might be familiar with and ones that are less well known, but just as important. These enchanting tales are bound to open you up to a world of creative imagination and possibilities!

From Robin Hood to The Cid, Sigurd to Brian Boru, this collection of tales will connect the reader of these legends with timeless themes that have enabled them to pass the test of time.

Additional Information

Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .3 in

Emeline G. Crommelin


Living Press Books

Date Published



Paperback, Hardcover


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