Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind – Purple Set $82.90

The Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind series provides all the grammar skills needed to write and speak with eloquence and confidence. Start with any of the four Workbooks and Keys: Blue, Purple, Red, or Yellow.

Each Workbook reviews the same grammar concepts with the same examples, but with brand-new exercises that allow students to practice and apply the grammar principles under study. Examples are based on great works of literature, as well as classic and contemporary works of science and history.

Step-by-step instruction takes students from the most basic concepts through advanced grammatical concepts. Extensive diagramming exercises reinforce the rules and help technical and visual learners to understand and use the English language effectively.

Each step of the diagramming process is illustrated and thoroughly explained to the student. Text for examples and exercises is drawn from actual published works, from English literature classics to modern masters. Learn your grammar from the greats!

Regular review is built into each year of work.

Companion Products:

Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind: Blue Student Workbook 
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind: Key to Blue Workbook
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind: Red Student Workbook
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind: Key to Red Workbook
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind Comprehensive Handbook of Rules
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind CORE Instructor Text Years 1-4
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind Purple Student Workbook (Revised Edition)
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind Key to Purple Student Workbook (Revised Edition)
The Diagramming Dictionary 

Additional information
Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 11.1 × 8.6 × 2 in


Published Date



Susan Wise Bauer,
Audrey Anderson


The Well-Trained Mind Press



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