Lassie Come-Home Set $45.82

Lassie Student Sample and Teacher Sample

Lassie Come-Home by Eric Knight tells the classic story of a boy, his dog, and a thrilling journey.  The Student Study Guide will aid the student in developing their Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension skills.

About the text:

“Lassie is Joe’s prize collie and constant companion. But when Joe’s father loses his job, Lassie must be sold. Three times she escapes from her new owner, and three times she returns home to Joe, until finally she is taken to the remotest part of Scotland—too far a journey for any dog to make alone . . . But Lassie is not just any dog..

This enduring classic story of a young boy and his devoted companion is a heart-wrenching and compelling adventure.” (from the Publisher)

The Lassie Come-Home Set includes Lassie Come-Home by Eric Knight, the Student Study Guide, and the Teacher Guide.