Life in Acadia
Life in Acadia tells the story of the Leblanc family, Acadian farmers in the Port Royal region who find themselves caught up in the dramatic struggle between the English and the French over ownership of the colony.
The migration of the Acadians from Port Royal to other areas is described, and such techniques as the reclaiming of marshland and the building of dykes are explained. Acadian homelife is illustrated through stories of a wedding, a birth and baptism, and the severing of family ties under the pressure of an English demand for an oath of loyalty.
The return of the French to Port Royal, and the subsequent deportation for the Acadians by the English, connect the Leblanc's story to the broader social trends of the time, and hence to issues which have preoccupied Canadians to this day.
Includes questions for discussion, maps and pictures of life in during this time period.
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