Help your students choose a leader’s lifestyle and overcome our culture’s invitation to live on junk food and video games. You are preparing them spiritually and academically for a great purpose. Exercise and nutrition are critical areas of discipleship for every believer!
Incorporating our brand-new Living Healthy curriculum will give your children the wisdom they need to honor God by making a lifetime of healthy choices. This independent learning course for 4th-6th grade students uses the Charlotte Mason style to gently introduce fitness, serving sizes, superfoods, vitamins, immune system, food safety and much more.
This all-in-one course is sure to get students and parents learning together, up and moving together, and being healthy together! Inside you will find:
- Words to Know, along with a glossary to build students’ vocabulary
- Scripture copywork to connect your health with God’s Word
- Core & More exercises and stretches to get students active
- Activities and extras including research, discussion, drawing, field trips, and more
- Crossword puzzles, word searches, and mazes to add even more fun to learning
- Written Celebrations of Knowledge to test students’ understanding
You can easily add Living Healthy to your homeschool days with our flexible 18 or 36-week schedule options.
Table of Contents
Unit 1: Exercise
- Lesson 1: Why Exercise?
- Lesson 2: FITT Principle
- Lesson 3: Types of Exercise
- Lesson 4: Cardiovascular Exercise
- Lesson 5: Strength
- Lesson 6: Flexibility
- Lesson 7: Balance
- Lesson 8: Building Bones
- Lesson 9: Crossing the Midline
- Lesson 10: Upper Body Muscles
- Lesson 11: Middle Muscles
- Lesson 12: Lower Body Muscles
- Lesson 13: Hydrate!
- Lesson 14: Are You Sore?
- Lesson 15: Lactic Acid
- Lesson 16: What to Wear?
- Lesson 17: Your Exercise Environment
- Lesson 18: A Lifetime of Walking
Unit 2: Nutrition
- Lesson 19: Why Is Food Important?
- Lesson 20: Building with Protein
- Lesson 21: Carbohydrates
- Lesson 22: Fabulous Fats
- Lesson 23: Calories — Friend or Foe?
- Lesson 24: Vitamins of the Alphabet
- Lesson 25: Mini Minerals
- Lesson 26: Fiber
- Lesson 27: Salty Sodium
- Lesson 28: How to Read a Nutrition Label
- Lesson 29: The Sugar Cycle
- Lesson 30: More Sugars
- Lesson 31: Serving Sizes and Balance
- Lesson 32: How Is It Grown?
- Lesson 33: Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen
- Lesson 34: Superfoods
- Lesson 35: Real Food Is Made by God
- Lesson 36: Making Better Choices
Unit 3: Personal Health
- Lesson 37: God’s Detailed Handiwork
- Lesson 38: The Nervous System
- Lesson 39: The Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems
- Lesson 40: Your Cleaning Crew
- Lesson 41: The Delicious Digestive System
- Lesson 42: A Strong Skeletal System
- Lesson 43: Germs and Your Superhero Army
- Lesson 44: Hand Washing: Put Germs in Their Place!
- Lesson 45: Build a Strong Immune System
- Lesson 46: Cleanliness and a Healthy Body
- Lesson 47: Types of Health Care
- Lesson 48: Super Skin
- Lesson 49: Designer Dentals
- Lesson 50: Eye Health
- Lesson 51: Super Sleep Cycles
- Lesson 52: How to Communicate with Others
- Lesson 53: Conflict Resolution
- Lesson 54: Emotions
Unit 4: Environmental Health and Safety
- Lesson 55: Healthy Responsibility
- Lesson 56: Respecting Boundaries
- Lesson 57: First Aid Preparation
- Lesson 58: First Aid for Scrapes and Cuts
- Lesson 59: First Aid for Choking
- Lesson 60: First Aid for Stings and Bites
- Lesson 61: Poisons and Burns
- Lesson 62: Food Safety
- Lesson 63: Allergies in Your Environment
- Lesson 64: Alcohol Awareness
- Lesson 65: Tobacco Addiction
- Lesson 66: Screen Safety
- Lesson 67: Family Fire Safety
- Lesson 68: Bad Weather Safety
- Lesson 69: Electrical Safety
- Lesson 70: Gun Safety
- Lesson 71: Environmental Health
- Lesson 72: Your Health Goals
Worksheet Helpers
Exercise Instructions and Game Rules
Living Healthy Glossary
Suggested One-Year Schedule
Unit Tests
Answer Keys
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