My Story 2 $66.50


Level 2 continues with a journey around the world, and lays a foundation for understanding state and federal governments, basic economic principles, and more. Equivalent to a second grade level.

This book of adventure is going to help you learn all about social studies. Social studies is about people and places around the world. We will talk about what people eat, where our food comes from, how governments are set up, the symbols on flags from different countries and what they mean, how God teaches us to love the people of the world like He does, and much more. The language of this book is English, but we’ll share some Italian and Chinese words with you too!

My Story, My Country, My World is a course for lower elementary students. It includes basic introductions to history, politics, economics, sociology, and geography, with the ultimate aim of teaching a comprehensive understanding of God’s world and the cultures of each country.

This is a daily adventure-based curriculum series that encourages families to explore the world together through four, nine-week quests and to understand it better from God’s perspective. It is designed with elements that make weekly learning fun and interactive, including:

  • Thankful Time!
  • Government Time!
  • God’s Creation Time!
  • My Story Journal

It’s time to explore God’s world and to learn more about others… and more about you too! Get your Quest Collector Cards ready. Each card includes your world map showing the path of each of your four journeys.

Table of Contents

Using This Teacher Guide
Charting Your Course

Quest 1

1. Let’s Get Ready to See the World…by Canoe!
2. To Australia in a Bathyscaphe
3. On a Jet Ski to New Zealand
4. Going to the Islands on a Hot-Air Balloon
5. Soaring on a Glider to Vietnam
6. A Ferry to India, Turkey, and Pakistan
7. Put on Your Snowshoes for Nepal
8. Dogsled to China and South Korea
9. A Rickshaw through Japan

Quest 2

10. Over to Russia by Railroad
11. Get Your Sled for Finland, Sweden, and Norway
12. On a Golf Cart through the United Kingdom and Ireland
13. A Horse and Carriage across France, Portugal, and Spain
14. Riding a Chairlift over Germany, Switzerland, and Austria
15. Italy and Greece by Cargo Ship
16. Across Romania, Lithuania, and Ukraine by Fire Engine
17. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Syria by Minibus
18. On a Donkey Cart into Israel

Quest 3

19. Zipping to Egypt on an AutoGyro
20. By Motorcycle across Sudan and Ethiopia
21. Walking through Kenya and Tanzania
22. Riding an Elephant through Madagascar and South Africa
23. A Fishing Boat to Angola, Nigeria, and Niger
24. On a Tractor through Algeria and Morocco
25. Sailing a Clipper Ship to Chile and Argentina
26. On a Steamboat to Bolivia and Peru
27. Up in a Zeppelin to Brazil and Uruguay

Quest 4

28. Ride to Venezuela on a Scooter
29. Over Colombia and Ecuador by Dirt Bike
30. A Convertible through Panama, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua
31. Riding a Monorail around El Salvador and Guatemala
32. A Jet Boat around Jamaica and the Dominican Republic
33. On a Hydroplane to the Bahamas and Cuba
34. Off to Mexico by Jet
35. On Our Wheelchair through Canada
36. Home to the United States on a Conestoga Wagon


State Info: Capitals and Statehood Years
Types of Governments: Riddles
Glossary for Social Studies
World Holidays
Quest Collector Quizzes
Quest Collector Answers
Word Find Time Answer Key
Types of Governments: Riddles Quiz



Additional information
Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 1.5 in



New Leaf Publishing Group, Inc.


Craig Froman





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