Phonetic Zoo Budget Package $39.50

An economical way to implement the program, this package includes

  • Lesson Cards with all three levels of spelling words and rules
  • Personal Spelling Cards to keep track of your student’s typical misspellings
  • Zoo Cards that serve as a way to practice jingles or as rewards
  • Phonetic Zoo Teacher’s Notes spiral-bound book* (PDF e-book also included)
  • Spelling and the Brain video seminar (link to streaming video)


This package includes The Phonetic Zoo: Teacher’s Notes, The Phonetic Zoo: Lesson Cards, and The Phonetic Zoo: Zoo Cards.

No audio CDs are included. Instead, a parent, tutor, or older sibling can give the spelling words to the student.

Click here to learn more about The Phonetic Zoo.

*You can purchase a replacement copy of the Phonetic Zoo Teacher’s Notes spiral-bound book here.


Excellence In Spelling  – Teacher’s Notes
Excellence In Spelling – Zoo Poster or Folder Instructions