Poodle Knows What? – Instructor Manual $47.50


Grammar is hard, and horrible, and miserable, and you have to know zillions of kinds of words, and you have to be a genius to get it all figured out. Right?

Poodle and Sidney would disagree with that. And What?. What?

Poodle is a chicken, and his best friend is a beagle named What?. And before you have a chance to think about that too hard, ZOOM!, in races Sidney, the fastest snail you ever did see. (She’s in training to be a verb.)

Between the three of them, they know quite a lot about grammar, and it turns out that all of those myths about grammar being awful and complicated and hard to do are simply untrue. I’m serious.

Grammar—when you have the right chicken, the right beagle, and the right snail—is easy! There are only eight kinds of words, and they are simple to learn. Just ask What?. He’ll tell you. What?

Okay, don’t ask What?. But What? and his friends will share all of their secrets with any child who opens the pages of this introductory grammar book for young children.

Young children will cherish this book for its wit, its humour, its beauty, its cleverness, and—oh yes—its valuable grammar instruction, which will provide them with a solid foundation of grammar knowledge that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Even children who have advanced beyond the primary levels will find themselves enchanted by Sidney’s enthusiasm and by the deep friendship between Poodle and What?. What?

Grammar is not hard, nor horrible, nor miserable, and you don’t have to know zillions of kinds of words, and you don’t have to be a genius to get it all figured out. Poodle knows that. He knows What?. Exactly.

Guide to choosing a MCT level 

Companion Products:

Poodle Knows What? – Student Book

Poodle Knows Poetry – Student Book
Poodle Knows Poetry – Instructor Manual

Poodle and the Blue Desert Dunes – Instructor Manual

Additional information
Weight .45 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .5 in


Date Published



Michael Clay Thompson


Royal Fireworks Press




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