The Scope & Sequence resource explains what content is covered and which skills are acquired in each grade. Click here to view the Seventh Grade Scope & Sequence.
Concerning Latin: Students should complete First and Second Form Latin before moving to Third Form Latin. This curriculum package comes with the Third Form Latin Online Instructional Videos (Streaming).
Concerning Composition: Students should complete Classical Composition I: The Fable Stage and Classical Composition II: The Narrative Stage before moving on to Classical Composition III: The Chreia/Maxim Stage. Please consult our Classical Composition Sequence Chart if you have any questions.
Concerning Geography & Timeline: This product is a review intended for students who have completed our Christian Studies, Classical Studies, and Geography through Sixth Grade. You can customize your package below, or call us toll-free at 877-862-1097.
Suggested Summer Reading: (before 8th grade): The Story of the World, Vol. 4 (You will need this for the American Studies portion of Seventh Grade, but only parts of it will be used. It is included in the complete package.)
New to Memoria Press? You will need this New User Add-On Set.
Please note: The digital item included in this package is non-refundable.
Related Resources:
Seventh Grade Curriculum Consumable Set
Seventh Grade New User Add-On Set
Seventh Grade Literature Guides (With Novels)
Seventh Grade Literature Guides (Without Novels)
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