The Art of Poetry – Complete Set From: $84.01

I dwell in Possibility—A fairer House than Prose—”

While we think of poetry as the best words in the best order, we sometimes forget how important its poetic or metaphoric thinking is to various subjects such as writing, speaking, business, and science. The Art of Poetry is an excellent Junior high or high school curriculum that teaches the practice of reading a poem closely and absorbing its beauty.

The Art of Poetry contains 16 chapters and over 100 poems. The first eight chapters cover the elements of poetry (such as images, metaphor, rhythm, and tone); the final chapters cover the forms of poetry (such as ode, villanelle, and open verse).

Each chapter includes an extensive explication of one poem, along with exercises and discussion questions on additional poems. Biographies of fifty-one poets are included along with a glossary of terms and an index of all the poems and authors. Also available are several suggested teaching schedule options and an application section with ideas on how to continue a study of poetry.

The Art of Poetry Teacher’s Edition is also available. It features the entire student text, along with answer keys, teaching tips, and detailed explications, and quizzes.

Art of Poetry Audio Files (MP3) These complimentary audio files feature the author, Christine Perrin, and her husband, Dr. Christopher Perrin, reading aloud over 100 poems included in the Art of Poetry course. *Please note, the zipped file is over 200MB and may take a long time to download, depending on your connection speed.

The Art of Poetry Suggested Weekly Schedules (PDF)

Ask the Magister (teacher)

The Art of Poetry author blog

Companion Products:

The Art of Poetry DVD Set

The Art of Poetry (Teacher’s Edition)

Please note: The digital item included in this package is non-refundable.