Learn foundational geometry concepts through enjoyable hands-on lessons!
The study of practical geometry is a hands-on study of geometry concepts that lays a foundation for a future formal study of geometry in high school. Starting in 5th grade, practical geometry lessons come alongside math lessons for variety and to introduce new mathematical concepts.
These fun, interesting lessons take approximately 30 minutes each. Charlotte Mason Practical Geometry, Part 1 is designed to be completed in one 36-week school year with lessons done once a week.
Like the The Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic Series, the book is a beautiful, non-consumable hardcover. One book can be used and re-used with all your children!
Geometry Concepts
In Charlotte Mason Practical Geometry, Part 1, your student will learn to use several geometrical tools:
- Ruler
- Drawing Compass
- Protractor
- Set Squares
Your student will explore these concepts through hands-on lessons that build foundational understanding of key geometry concepts and logical thinking skills:
- Solid shapes: edges, faces, and vertices
- Lines and line segments
- Points
- Curves
- Intersections of lines
- Enclosing spaces
- Measurements: US standard and metric
- Acceptable error in measurements
- Estimating measurements
- Use of drawing compass
- Recording measurements in fraction and decimal form
- Parts of a circle: circumference, radius, center, diameter, chord, arc
- Overlapping and concentric circles
- Bisecting line segments
- Stepping off distances
- Parts of angles: ray, vertex, arm
- Types of angles: acute, obtuse, right, straight, reflex
- Measuring angles
- Drawing and naming angles
- Adjacent and supplementary angles
- Vertical angles
- Copying angles
- Bisecting angles
- Parallel and perpendicular lines
- Using set squares
- Transversals
- Interior, exterior, corresponding, alternate, consecutive, and congruent angles
- Triangles: equilateral, isosceles, scalene
- Triangles: acute, obtuse, right
In addition to the exercises and solution guide available in this book, your purchase includes access to our Practical Geometry Video Library, which offers visual walk-throughs of many components of the course. You can watch these videos independently before you teach your student, or you can watch them together as part of your lesson.
Related Resources
Book 1: Exploration of Numbers to 100
Book 2: The Four Rules and Tables; Work with Numbers to 1000
Book 3: Tables continued; Work with Numbers to 10,000; Weights & Measures
Book 4: Long Multiplication & Division; Metric Weights & Measures
Book 5: Decimals; Fractions; Factors
Book 6: Decimals & Fractions; Percentages; Ratios; Proportions (coming soon)
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