A Story of the Cold WarÂ
Tresham looked at the picture accompanying the article and might have been gazing into a mirror, so startling was the resemblance. "Of course, it is my brother," he said slowly.
So he went to Canada to work for a capitalistic state and help to start another war.
" What do you want me to do, since I suppose my coming here has something to do with that item in the newspaper?" The Russian nodded and handed him a cutting from a newspaper pasted on a piece of stiff cardboard. "Read that also," he said. It was a report of a later address given by Tresham’s brother in Washington to an organization affiliated with the United Nations and called "The Society for the Promotion of World Peace and Good Will."
"The first two paragraphs are all that you need read at present," said Vasiloff. The report was in English with a Russian translation beside it.