The Digital Resources for Earth Science include all documentation and electronic resources necessary for the administration of this course, whether in a homeschool setting or a coop or classroom. All items are printable and distributable to your student or classroom; only one copy of digital resources are needed per classroom or home.
Uniting the historic Christian faith with up-to-date geological science, This is the textbook that many Christian educators have longed for.
Earth Science is presented in a style aimed at drawing students into close engagement with the subject matter, providing a solid education and fostering a sense of wonder and responsibility for God’s amazing world.
Uniting the historic Christian faith with up-to-date geological science, This is the set that many Christian educators have longed for.
Earth Science is presented in a style aimed at drawing students into close engagement with the subject matter, providing a solid education and fostering a sense of wonder and responsibility for God’s amazing world.
From the Publisher:
Earth's surface is formed by gigantic, slowly moving plates of solid rock. When these plates lurch past one another with sudden large bursts of energy, one of the most awesome forces of nature is unleashed—a major earthquake. About 3,000 earthquakes are recorded every day on our planet. Most are too small to notice, but when a powerful one hits, it can be very destructive. Learn all about the forces that shake and shape Earth with acclaimed science writer Seymour Simon.
From the Publisher:See inside the activity book here.
On Good Friday Jesus died to forgive our wrong–doing (sin) and on Easter Sunday He came back to life, to offer us eternal life!
Join in the Easter fun with this activity book, packed with mazes, spot–the–difference, drawings to copy, colouring pages, word puzzles and lots more for you to enjoy!
Includes the story of Easter.
From the Publisher:
We don’t like to think about death. It’s morbid and uncomfortable because if we’re honest, deep down, many of us are fearful about what will happen when our time comes.
But what if there was one who could take us through the door marked death with confidence? The story of Easter contains the greatest news – the answer to our biggest problem that will bring peace, assurance and freedom.
Easter means that death can be the doorway to the beginning of the most wonderful experience of our lives.
Following Farley Mowat’s bestselling memoir, Otherwise, the literary lion returns with an unexpected triumph
Eastern Passageis a new and captivating piece of the puzzle of Farley Mowat’s life: the years from his return from the north in the late 1940s to his discovery of Newfoundland and his love affair with the sea in the 1950s. This was a time in which he wrote his first books and weathered his first storms of controversy, a time when he was discovering himself through experiences that, as he writes, "go to the heart of who and what I was" during his formative years as a writer and activist.
In the 1950s, with his career taking off but his first marriage troubled, Farley Mowat buys a piece of land northwest of Toronto and attempts to settle down. His accounts of building his home are by turns hilarious and affecting, while the insights into his early work and his relationship with his publishers offer a rare glimpse into the inner workings of a writer’s career.
But in the end, his restless soul could not be pinned to one place, and when his father offered him a chance to sail down the St. Lawrence, he jumped at it, not realizing that his journey would bring him face to face with one of Canada’s more shocking secrets – one most of us still don’t know today. This horrific incident, recalling as it did the lingering aftermath of war, and from which it took the area decades to recover, would forge the final tempering of Mowat as the activist we know today.
Farley Mowat grows wiser and more courageous with each passing year, and Eastern Passage is a funny, astute, and moving book that reveals that there is more yet to this fascinating and beloved figure than we think we know.
This package is customizable! So the pricing on this package will vary depending on which books you include in the package. Please make your selection and see what the price is at the bottom of this page.
These books have simple sentences and beautiful illustrations, and are a perfect fit for primary students who are ready to practice reading fluency.
From the Publisher: "It’s 1901 and Henry Ford wants to build a car that everyone can own. But first he needs the money to produce it. How will he get it? He enters a car race, of course! Readers will love this fast-paced, fact-based story!"
This manual provides instructors with the essential vocabulary and grammar they need to guide children through the student book successfully. It gives extensive historical and cultural background for the illustrations and provides a set of questions in Latin with expected answers about scenes in the student book.
Caecilia, a young girl living in ancient Rome, introduces herself, her family, and aspects of her world—all in elementary Latin. Even young children can make meaning of the Latin through the engaging illustrations and photographs, as well as repetition of the vocabulary.
Caecilia, a young girl living in ancient Rome, introduces herself, her family, and aspects of her world—all in elementary Latin. Even young children can make meaning of the Latin through the engaging illustrations and photographs, as well as repetition of the vocabulary.
Written in AD 731, Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People is the first account of Anglo-Saxon England ever written, and remains our single most valuable source for this period.
In the current renewal of classical education, comments such as these often leave us frustrated. Recovering the lost tools of learning is one thing but getting students to love classical music is another. What precisely is a classical view of music? And in a pop-saturated culture, how do we as educators not only effectively communicate such a view to our students, but also foster a love for what they hear? In Echoes of Eternity, you will discover a rich tapestry of concepts, vocabulary, and listening examples that will equip you to teach and awaken students to the splendor of a classical vision of music.
Sookan, the unforgettable heroine of Year of Impossible Goodbyes, is now fifteen years old and a refugee in Pusan, a city in a southern province of Korea.
The Korean War is raging, and she once again has been separated from her father and brothers. Anxiously awaiting any news of them, Sookan imagines a time when she can return to a normal life in Seoul.