The Second Form Greek Student Workbook has approximately 6 pages of exercises per lesson. These exercises teach concepts through practice and mastery learning in a logical progression spread over four days.
The Second Form Greek Teacher Key (for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests) features inset pages from the Student Workbook and the Quizzes & Tests booklet with the answers in an easy-to-read, 2-color format.
The Second Form Greek Teacher Manual is an everything-you-could-possibly-need manual. Organized for easy access, it contains Student Textinset with answers in color, day-by-day lesson plans, weekly recitation schedule, oral drills, optional parsing and analysis of the Greek sayings, and additional notes.
An Introduction to Hellenistic Greek
After the success of the Latin Forms Series, we decided to write a Greek program! The Greek Forms Series is based on Mrs. Lowe’s years of classroom experience and proven teaching methods, and is designed for parents and teachers with or without a Greek background. The series will cover all the Greek grammar in three years. The Student Text presents the grammar logically and systematically.
The Second Form Latin Flashcards cover the vocabulary (Latin, lesson number, and any derivative, on one side; English on the other), Latin sayings (Latin and lesson number on one side, English on the other), and grammar forms (cue word and declension or tense name on one side; Latin forms and lesson number on the other).
The Second Form Latin Classical Latin Pronunciation CD contains all of the content on the standard, ecclesiastical pronunciation CD (vocabulary, Latin sayings, and grammar forms), only pronounced using classical pronunciation.
Second Form Latin continues the journey of Latin grammar. Building on what the student learned the previous year, Second Form reviews all material in First Form, completes the verb paradigms for all four conjugations in the indicative active and passive, and much more!
The Second Form Latin Student Workbook, Second Edition has 4-6 pages of exercises per lesson. These exercises teach concepts through practice and mastery learning, and are presented in a spiral-bound book with an attractive, 2-color format. This Workbook also includes a grammar catechism intended for daily rapid-fire review.
The Second Form Latin Teacher Key (for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests) features inset pages from the Student Workbook and the Quizzes & Tests booklet with the answers in an easy-to-read, 2-color format. A grammar catechism (including all questions from First Form) and vocabulary drill sheets are also provided.
The Second Form Latin Teacher Manual is an everything-you-could-possibly-need manual.
Organized for easy access, it contains Student Text inset with answers in color, “Chalk Talk” scripted lessons, recitation schedule, pronunciation reminders, extensive teaching notes, and an “FYI” section for extra background.
The Second Form Latin Workbook Key features inset pages from the Student Workbook with the answers in an easy-to-read format. N.B. This Workbook Key is not needed if you buy the Second Form Latin Teacher Key (for Workbook, Quizzes, & Tests).
Second Form Latin continues the journey of Latin grammar. Building on what the student learned the previous year, Second Form reviews all material inFirst Form, completes the verb paradigms for all four conjugations in the indicative active and passive, and much more!