The Classical Rhetoric - Student Workbook contains reading comprehension questions, evaluative writing assignments, reading lessons, case studies, and more, centered around Aristotle’s Rhetoric, but also with review questions fromTraditional Logic. It also contains optional exercises for Arthur Quinn’s Figures of Speech.
The Classical Rhetoric Teacher Key contains the answers to the quizzes and tests found in the Classical Rhetoric - Quizzes & Tests and the exercises and comprehension questions found in the Classical Rhetoric - Student Guide.
Martin Cothran’s Classical Rhetoric is a guided tour through the first part of the greatest single book on communication ever written: Aristotle’s Rhetoric. Classical Rhetoric includes questions that will help the student unlock every important aspect of the book, along with fill-in-the-blank charts and analyses of great speeches by Ulysses, Socrates, Lincoln, and Marc Antony (in the words of Shakespeare).
Martin Cothran’s Classical Rhetoric is a guided tour through the first part of the greatest single book on communication ever written: Aristotle’s Rhetoric. Classical Rhetoric includes questions that will help the student unlock every important aspect of the book, along with fill-in-the-blank charts and analyses of great speeches by Ulysses, Socrates, Lincoln, and Marc Antony (in the words of Shakespeare).
Classical Rhetoric through Structure and Style teaches the student to compose essays and arguments based on the Progymnasmata, the most successful and enduring collection of rhetorical exercises in the Western tradition.
From the Publisher: Compose essays and arguments based on the Progymnasmata while learning to write with structure and style.
The Instructional Videos (DVDs or Online Streaming) include Mr. Cothran’s verbal instructions on every aspect of the course, including supplementary exercises, and include helpful graphics slides to help explain the content.
There are lectures for each lesson, plus an introduction and four case studies. The online streaming option is a lifetime membership that gives you access to stream the Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle Instructional Videos.
Designed for 3rd graders, students will continue to develop their cursive skills by copying Scripture passages that focus on the attributes of God. This easy-to-use book will give your student the practice they need to be successful in cursive as well as ingrain truth in hearts and minds for decades to come.
Classically Cursive Attributes of God is book 4 in a series of 4.
Give your 4th-9th grade students the advantage of working with this best-selling atlas.
Clearly organized by continent, Rand McNally's Classroom Atlas is packed with maps, photos, infographics, critical-thinking questions and brain teasers — all helping to develop map skills and build global competency in your students.
From the Publisher: "Queen of Egypt at the age of eighteen, Cleopatra's passion was to untie the world under Egyptian rule. Legendary leaders risked their kingdoms to win her heart, and her epic life has inspired countless tales throughout history. A timeless story of love, war, and ambition, their pictorial biography is sure to entertain and educate."
These eighteenth and nineteenth century women worked in partnership with men to shape the evangelical church. Let their stories challenge you and fuel your faith today.
The sharp blast of the mine whistle echoed through the valley, sending nine-year-old Tina Wilson on flying feet down to greet her father as he returned from his day's work at the coal mine. It was a custom for every father to have a treat in his bucket, and the miners’ children scrambled to be first to get theirs.