Enrichment Studies Volume 3 $34.50


Add beauty and interest to your homeschool day!

These lessons breathe life into your homeschool days with the beauty and richness of art, music, poetry, literature, and more. Give your student a well-rounded education that goes beyond the “three R’s” and cultivates a taste for what is beautiful and true.

With Enrichment Studies, Volume 3, you’ll have a complete book list and detailed daily lessons that guide you to add ten wonderful subjects to your schedule. These lessons are simple to do and take only about one hour per day, but the delight and growth they give your family will last a lifetime!

These subjects work well as breaks from the academics such as math, history, science, and language arts. Sprinkling enrichments throughout your homeschool day keeps things fresh and provides a change of pace.

In these enjoyable lessons, your family will enjoy:

  • Picture Study with the beautiful artwork of Giotto, Titian, and Monet;
  • the Poetry of Emily Dickinson;
  • Music Study  with the compositions of Liszt, Handel, and Schumann;
  • Shakespeare’s classic play The Taming of the Shrew;
  • Scripture Memory and Hymn Singing;
  • learning the Handicrafts of rope coiling, and the Arts of brush drawing and ink;
  • wonderful Literature books the whole family will love;
  • practicing speaking a Foreign Language;
  • growing in Good Habits that will prepare your children for life.

High School Credit

For the completion of assignments in this Enrichment Studies, Volume 3, using the Older Group of literature books, we suggest that students should be awarded 1/4 credit for Fine Arts and 1⁄2 credit for Literature. (If you continue similar Enrichment studies through all four years of high school, the student will earn 1 full credit of Fine Arts and 2 of Literature.)

Companion Book In Series

Enrichment Studies Volume 1 
Enrichment Studies Volume 2
Enrichment Studies Volume 3

Sample Schedule

The lesson plans in Enrichment Studies, Volume 3, are very doable, taking only about 1 hour a day. Your weekly schedule would look something like this:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Scripture Memory (10 min.)
Habits (10 min.)
Picture Study (10 min.)
Family Read-Aloud (20 min.)
Scripture Memory (10 min.)
Hymn Study (5 min.)
Poetry (5 min.)
Foreign Language (15 min.)
Family Read-Aloud (20 min.)
Scripture Memory (10 min.)
Habits (10 min.)
Music Study (10 min.)
Family Read-Aloud (20 min.)
Scripture Memory (10 min.)
Hymn Study (5 min.)
Foreign Languages (15 min.)
Handicrafts (20 min.)
Family Read-Aloud (20 min.)
Scripture Memory (10 min.)
Nature Study (15+min.)
Repetition: Poem (5 min.)
Family Read-Aloud (20 min.)


Book List for Enrichment Studies, Volume 3 (Second Edition)

Family Resources

Family Read-Aloud Books (*Select one group.)

Young Group (Grades 1–4)
Middle Group (Grades 5–8)
Older Group (Grades 9–12)

*Three options are given for Family Read-Aloud books: a group of books for younger students, a group for middle students, and a group for older students. Select one of the groups to read aloud to your family—the one that best reflects the age range of most of your students.

The Young Group is geared toward approximately grades 1–4, Middle Group for grades 5–8, and Older Group for grades 9–12.

If you have a wide range of student ages to accommodate, you may want to select one group of books to read aloud and assign another group to older students to read independently.

Additional information
Weight .4 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .6 in



Katie Thacker


Simply Charlotte Mason


Spiral bound


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