Our Song School Spanish Book 2songs are for sale on their own! Whether or not you have time to include Spanish in your curriculum, you can still enjoy these amazing songs in your day, in your home or as you travel. Featuring more than 25 lively songs/chants, this music collection is a delightful part of the program that reinforces the Spanish taught in the Song School Spanish Book 2 student edition.
The format of the Song School Spanish Book 1 student book has been changed from landscape (horizontal) to portrait (vertical), so the pagination of this version is different than that of the original landscape version.
However, the content has not been changed and despite the different pagination is still compatible with the original version.
From the Publisher:
The Song School Spanish Book 2 songs are for sale on their own! Whether or not you have time to include Spanish in your curriculum, you can still enjoy these amazing songs in your day, in your home or as you travel. Featuring more than 25 lively songs/chants, this music collection is a delightful part of the program that reinforces the Spanish taught in the Song School Spanish Book 2 student edition.
The Song School Spanish Book 1 Streaming Video includes 24 episodes featuring a lively, native Spanish maestra who teaches students with engaging vocabulary and grammar lessons. Students will also enjoy following Ellen in the Little Moments stories.
The Song School Spanish Book 2 DVD Set includes 24 episodes featuring a lively, native Spanish maestra who teaches students with engaging vocabulary and grammar lessons. Students will continue to enjoy following Ellen in the Little Moments stories. They will also have the opportunity to practice review vocabulary from Song School Spanish Book 1.
The Song School Spanish Book 2 Streaming Video includes 24 episodes featuring a lively, native Spanish maestra who teaches students with engaging vocabulary and grammar lessons. Students will continue to enjoy following Ellen in the Little Moments stories.
Song School Spanish Book 2 continues the engaging introduction to Spanish started in Song School Spanish Book 1. Each weekly lesson is peppered with songs, illustrations, handwriting practice, and activities for easy mastery and memorization.
Sounds of the Sea is the sixth book in a series of six beginning readers. These readers are filled with hundreds of short stories containing interesting character training themes, science, history, nature, and more. Written with one- syllable word groups in our American language. Sounds of the Sea allows beginning readers to practice reading diphthongs words.
Now there is a Spanish program suited to the energy, developmental level, and fun-loving nature of your early-elementary (1st-3rd grade) students!
Song School Spanish Book 1 is patterned after our best-selling Song School Latin curriculum and features weekly lessons peppered with songs/chants, enjoyable vocabulary, illustrations, handwriting practice, stories, games, and activities.
Spanish Amigo Match 2 Flashcard Game is a reinforcing game featuring all the vocabulary from Song School Spanish Book 2. In groups or individually, students can play Memory or Go Fish by collecting Spanish and English matches.
The cards can also be used as flash cards for extra practice. Each card lists the corresponding chapter number from Song School Spanish Book 2. (Note: Review chapters do not have cards.)
This audio CD capture the teacher and her students pronouncing and rhythmically repeating each grammar chart and vocabulary word in the primer—both the Spanish and the English equivalent. This is an incredible tool to use for fun memorization. The CD includes all the grammar chart chants and the complete vocabulary. Take it wherever you go!
List of All Spanish for Children Primer A Cantos Sections (PDF)