God tells Noah to put a door in the side of the ark — and it was through this single door that the animal kinds and Noah’s family entered to be saved from the Great Flood. Our own personal salvation is also found through a single door — that of Jesus Christ.
Who was Melvil Dewey?
Learn how Dewey's love of organization and words drove him to develop and implement his Dewey Decimal system, leaving a significant and lasting impact in libraries across the country.
The Electrifying Nervous System
Discover Your Design!
Developed by a homeschooling pediatrician, this book focuses on the amazing design and functionality of the human body’s nervous system. You will discover:
The main areas and structures of the brain and what important role each plays in making your body work
Awesome examples of God’s creativity in both the design and precision of human anatomy showing you are wonderfully made
Important historical discoveries and modern medical techniques used for diagnosis and repair of the brain!
Learn interesting and important facts about why you sleep, the function of the central nervous system, what foods can superpower your brain functions, and much more in a wonderful exploration of the brain and how it controls the wondrous machine known as your body!
Help your students become confident essay writers as they delve into the details of the essay-writing process. From thesis statements to transitions, introductions, and conclusions, students will learn the building blocks of a well-crafted essay.
Help your students become confident essay writers as they delve into the details of the essay-writing process. From thesis statements to transitions, introductions, and conclusions, students will learn the building blocks of a well-crafted essay.
Help your students become confident essay writers as they delve into the details of the essay-writing process. From thesis statements to transitions, introductions, and conclusions, students will learn the building blocks of a well-crafted essay.
Don’t let politicians, rhetoricians, or bad logicians fool and manipulate you or your children/students. This book includes 38 lessons on common logical fallacies and propaganda techniques, presenting them in the context in which they are often found: arguments at home, political debates, marketing, and more. It is self-teaching, meaning no other resources are needed; it is intended for children and parents to use together.
With a new name, but the same, thorough, clearly-outlined rules of English Grammar, The Grammar Guidebook is the second edition to The Comprehensive Handbook of Rules.
Great Alaskan Dinosaur Adventure
Adventures Mike Liston, Buddy Davis, Dan Specht, George Detwiler, and John Whitmore brave the aching cold of the Alaskan wilderness. On a hunt for truth amid the shrieks of wild animals, the clouds overhead race swiftly by.
Locked in a remote, frozen wasteland where man has rarely been, lie remains of creatures so mysterious, science can scarcely believe the truth.
A team of scientists and researchers endured incredible hardships to reach a site many would rather avoid - the Alaskan wilderness - and in the process, uncovered unfossilized dinosaur bones. The implications are enormous, for how can dinosaurs be 65 million years old if their bones are still unfossilized?
Join the team and thrill at the photographs and tales of danger, as The Great Alaskan Dinosaur Adventure drops a bombshell on the scientific community.
See once again why true science honors the pages of the Bible.
The Great Gatsby Student Guide increases the student’s vocabulary and reading comprehension by providing in-depth vocabulary study, reading notes, comprehension questions, and more.
The Great Gatsby - Teacher Guide is equipped with all answers toThe Great Gatsby - Student Guide as well as all tests and quizzes. This enables educators to guide students through the grammar, logic, and rhetoric stages towards the central proposition that gives the story ultimate meaning and expression.