Book Three of the Wilderking Trilogy
In book three of the Wilderking Trilogy, Aidan returns home from three years in Feechiefen Swamp to discover that a party known as the Aidanites has arisen among his fellow Corenwalders.
This art curriculum for Preschoolers has 26 lessons plus additional learning projects. Do you wish you could look inside your child’s mind to see what is behind the artwork your preschooler just handed to you?
This book shows caring adults the stages of artistic development that children go through and discusses how to nurture awareness of the world and bring it to life in a child. It offers information on the first steps your three, four, or five-year-old will take when pursuing creativity as it is expressed through art.
This is a book for people who already know the standard nativity – the baby, the stable, the manger…
But it includes one character you were probably never told about – an enormous red dragon. We didn’t make him up. His story is tucked away in the lesser-known pages of the Bible and his terrible deeds are verifiable facts of history. Though few people are aware of him, he is fighting a battle in which we all must choose sides.
So this Christmas, let us fill in the gaps as we introduce you to the weirdest nativity.
After quiet, artistic Danny Mago gets a new job at the St. Martin de Porres Convent-home of the famous Maori painter, Mother Madeleine-he stumbles across an ancient, unused elevator and the uneventful tenor of his life takes a decided turn . . . upwards! The resulting wild and sometimes hair-raising adventures become strangely entangled with the mysterious quest that has brought beautiful Zelia Mazloum all the way from Turkey to New Zealand.
Demonic creatures, angelic beings, sly villains, an old and beautiful weka-feather cloak, a blank wall in a new Cathedral and an unforgettable Maori nun come together in this amazing tale of spirit and laughter.
A Story of France in the 18th Century
“Father!” Eugène burst forth, unable to withhold his tidings. “Father, the king is dead! The wicked rebels in Paris have slain him, slain him on the scaffold. Think of that! The king, the Lord’s anointed, Louis of France!”
A flush overspread the old man’s face, a tremor passed through his frame. Had he been able, he would have sprung from his seat, but he could not; one of his lower limbs was paralysed. So he lifted up his white and trembling hands to heaven, and said with deep feeling, — “God is just. His holy will be done.”
Eugène was amazed. This way of taking a hideous crime, a terrible calamity, seemed to him incomprehensible. But then, as he reminded himself, his father was not quite like other people. However, he could not help saying, — “I think it looks much more like the devil’s will, my father.”
Is your child getting lost in the system, becoming bored, losing his or her natural eagerness to learn? If so, it may be time to take charge of your child’s education―by doing it yourself.
This study covers the U.S. historical period know as Western Expansion during the late 18th century through mid-19th century. Intended for 4th-7th graders, it comprises a sequel to the Early American History studies, however, neither of which are a prerequisite. Designed as a read-aloud program, with lesson plans, comprehension questions, historical helps, relevant websites, and answer keys the student will journey from the Appalachians to the Far West reading noted authors such as James Daugherty, Edwin Tunis, and Genevieve Foster. This study is can be completed in a semester doing three lessons per week.
For those interested in including California History in this study, a companion Study Guide has been designed to integrate easily into this study if desired. Because the history of California was a significant part of the westward movement, the courses naturally work well together and the literature selections in the study will provide greater breath and content without unnecessary duplication. On page iii a schematic is included that will illustrate the scope and sequence of both courses. Two recommendations that would greatly enhance the Westward Migration study from the California tract are: Cruise of the Arctic Starby Scott O'Dell and Jessie Benton Fremont: California Pioneerby Marguerite Higgins.
After one adventurous, but fairly safe voyage, Aunt Nannie reluctantly allows Sally to sail away again, this time into the Mediterranean Sea—and right into the clutches of the Barbary Coast pirates. Taken captive, Sally is exposed to a way of life very different from the protected one she has known. Her resiliency as well as her courage and love are sorely tried; however, both she and those she encounters in the Sultan’s palace will never be quite the same for her stay there.
This is the fourth book in the Sally Series. The first book in the series is Away Goes Sally (out of print). The second book in the series is Five Bushel Farm (out of print). The third book in the series is The Fair American. The fifth book in the series is The Wonderful Day.
In this second book about the Pierce family, more than five years have passed since their first moving into the Texas Panhandle. They have learned to live in a primitive sod house and have overcome—and even come to love—the odds that the land with its weather and unusual neighbors presents. Even so, 15-year-old Katie, gentle and artistic, is eager to return to East Texas to be schooled in all the finer things that this pioneer country lacks. Then an accident to Grandmother reverses everything! Katie, to her own surprise, finds herself volunteering to stay home to feed and care for Papa, the boys and Carolyn on the farm, while Mama makes the eastward journey to care for her mother. During the next few months, timid Katie encounters one distressful situation after another, from humiliating cooking disasters, to tough boys at school, to a battle with a blizzard. Despite fears and setbacks, she resolves to do whatever seems needed, acts which often turn out to contain a lot of heroism. As Katie’s confidence grows, so does her interaction with family and new and old friends deepen—all against the picturesque backdrop of homesteading life in the Texas Panhandle during the late 1800’s.
This is the second book in the Texas Panhandle Series
A rhymed tale describing the antics of a capricious wind.
The wind blew, and blew, and blew! It blew so hard, it took everything with it: Mr. White’s umbrella, Priscilla’s balloon, the twins’ scarves, even the wig on the judge’s head. But just when the wind was about to carry everything out to sea, it changed its mind!
With rhyming verse and colorful illustrations, Pat Hutchins takes us on a merry chase that is well worth the effort.
The much-loved classic tales of Ratty, Mole, Badger and Toad. When Mole goes boating with Ratty instead of doing his spring-cleaning, he discovers a whole new world. As well as adventures on the river and in the Wild Wood, there are high jinks on the open road with that reckless ruffian, Mr Toad of Toad Hall. Ratty, Mole, Badger and Toad become the firmest of friends, but after Toad's latest escapade, can they join together and beat the wretched weasels once and for all?
The Wind in the Willows Student Guide, Second Edition increases the student’s vocabulary and reading comprehension by providing in-depth vocabulary study, reading notes, comprehension questions, and more.
When his mother was taken to the hospital, nineyear- old Hank thought his world was falling apart. Gruff, bad-tempered Mrs. Triggers had to take his mother’s place. But Hank could not talk to Mrs. Triggers.
One night Hank found himself accused . . . . He felt very lonely and abandoned in a huge, dark world. If only he had his mother to talk to. She would believe him.
When Hank looked up through the window in the roof and remembered that he was not alone . . . .