At Veritas, we’re always seeking ways to create programs that look at what’s out there and create our own.We are convinced this is it for rhetoric. Much of the classical tradition intended to speak and write what is true, good, and beautiful.
A Rhetoric of Love, by Doug Jones, sees much helpful in the ideas of these ancient teachers. Greeks and Romans taught much about sound reasoning, orderly thinking, and clear communication. They didn’t teach much about how to love one’s opponent. Jesus called us to love our neighbour as our self.
A Rhetoric of Love asks how we can do that in our speaking and writing and living. How ought Christ’s followers to try to persuade others? How should their rhetorical efforts look different from those of the world around them? How can they seek to persuade with empathy, understanding, compassion? How can they listen to others—really listen—and then speak truth in love?
A Rhetoric of Love Teacher’s Edition gives guidance and suggestions on how to teach the student text. Its notes, plans, and assessments inform and advise.
The teacher edition should be viewed as a companion text, not a cookbook. Teachers who invest themselves, giving the topics attention, preparation, and reflection, will enjoy remarkable results for their students—and maybe learn something themselves.
Some who teach rhetoric have studied the subject before. Many haven’t. This teacher edition assumes no prior knowledge of the subject. It does assume, though, that the teacher will read the student text before the student does.
This volume aims to connect the modern teacher to an ancient topic. It aims to do so with the least frustration, too. To achieve that goal, its lessons and helps follow a basic design:
– Each lesson in this volume pairs with the same-numbered chapter in the student text.
– Each lesson represents a week’s worth of instruction. Further, each lesson’s instruction is divided into five sessions.
– Each lesson shows when content should be completed: before, during, or after a session.
– Most lessons follow the same pattern.
– Linked articles, videos, and other media appear throughout the teacher edition.
– Appendix C provides a midterm exam and final.
We enjoyed putting this teacher edition together for you. We hope you’ll find it useful, find ways to build upon it and adapt it to your students’ needs, but most important is that it helps you equip students to speak, write and live A Rhetoric of Love.
“A Rhetoric of Love is must reading for those who want to do more than win an argument.” —Michael Horton
“This is a curriculum suffused in the historical awareness, academic substantiveness, and poetic graciousness of a master teacher.” —George Grant
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