God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament: Timeline and Map Set $59.50

Timeline Sample
Map Sample

God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 1: A Bible Course for Children
teaches the biblical narrative from Genesis to Ruth, including the book of Job, at a third- to sixth-grade level. The overarching Old Testament themes of the promises and power of God are presented in simple weekly stories. Students will follow along with God’s people, see how He leads them and keeps His promises, and learn how the stories of God’s people begin to point us to the coming Savior, Jesus Christ.

The colorful God’s Great Covenant Old Testament Timeline & Map Set includes a time line of the events of the Old Testament and a collection of six maps, all of which integrate the history and geography of the ancient Near East and ancient Egypt. The set covers the entire Old Testament, corresponding with both God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 1 and God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 2.

The time line is reversible. One side is a completed version, with all of the events and images included. The reverse side is blank, and cut-out images and events (also included) can be added to the time line as you progress through the God’s Great Covenant series, making the time line interactive! There are three separate tracks so students can follow the events of The Fertile Crescent, and Ancient Egypt along with the events of Old Testament. The length of the time line stretches to 76″.

The large full color maps, featuring 3D illustrations, include Abraham’s journey, the Exodus from Egypt, and the various stages of the Kingdom of Israel with surrounding nations. Each map is 13″ by 19″.

Companion Products:

God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament 1: Teacher’s Edition

God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament 1

God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament 1: CD

God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament 1: Teaching DVD

God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament: Timeline and Map Set

Additional Resources:

God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 1 – Package

God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament 2: Package

God’s Great Covenant – New Testament 1: Package

Additional information
Weight .50 kg
Dimensions 8.3 × 11 × .5 in



Classical Academic Press


6 Maps



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