Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind – Key to Student Workbook 1 $25.99


This Key to the Purple Workbook, a Purple Workbook, and the Core Instructor Text make up Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind: a complete course that takes students from basic definitions (“A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea”) through advanced sentence structure and analysis—all the grammar skills needed to write and speak with eloquence and confidence.

This innovative program combines the three essential elements of language learning: understanding and memorizing rules (prescriptive teaching), repeated exposure to examples of how those rules are used (descriptive instruction), and practice using those rules in exercises and in writing (practical experience).

Program Features

    • Scripted lessons make it possible for any parent or teacher to use the program effectively.
    • Step-by-step instruction takes students from the most basic concepts through advanced grammatical concepts such as modal and hortative verbs and multiple functions of noun clauses.
    • Extensive diagramming exercises reinforce the rules and help technical and visual learners to understand and use the English language effectively. All diagrams are thoroughly explained to the instructor/parent.
    • Text for examples and exercises are drawn from great works of literature, as well as from well-written nonfiction texts in science, mathematics, and the social sciences.
    • Regular review built into each year of work.
    • The program is easily customizable to each student’s strengths and weaknesses.

Companion Products

Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind: Blue Student Workbook 
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind: Key to Blue Workbook
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind: Red Student Workbook
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind: Key to Red Workbook
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind Comprehensive Handbook of Rules
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind CORE Instructor Text Years 1-4
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind Student Workbook 1 (Purple)
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind Key to Student Workbook 1 (Purple)
The Diagramming Dictionary 

Additional information
Weight 1.1 kg
Dimensions 11.1 × 8.6 × 1 in


Published Date



Susan Wise Bauer,
Audrey Anderson


The Well-Trained Mind Press



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