Studying formal logic can be intimidating without the right help, but knowing how to think logically isn’t just for “experts.” Logic should be your secret weapon. It’s the tool for learning how to use other tools. It’s the bones that give a clenched fist its structure (and knuckles). With that in mind, we have painstakingly designed Intermediate Logic for everyday students, teachers, and parents who’ve never used truth tables or formal proofs of validity to work with syllogisms, but who know just how important and applicable learning logic is.
- A daily lesson schedule for completing Intermediate Logic in a semester or a year-long course.
- Answers to all exercises, review questions, review exercises, quizzes, and tests in the order they are taught.
- Contains the entire Student Edition text — with the same page numbers as the Student Edition! No more flipping back and forth between answer keys and textbook.
- Detailed daily lesson plans for the entire textbook explain each lesson’s
- daily Student Objectives,
- Special Notes,
- step-by-step Teaching Instructions with bolded terms, advice, and more examples,
- Assignments for each lesson,
- Optional Exercises for further exploration and integration.
More teaching resources for Intermediate Logic:
- How to interpret and analyze logical operators and truth tables by reviewing and applying the concepts of validity, contradiction, consistency, and equivalence,
- How to internalize the nine basic rules of inference to derive an argument’s conclusions from its premises,
- How to easily determine consistency, self-contradiction, tautology, equivalence, and validity by using truth trees,
- How to apply all these skills to real-life thinkers and writers wherever you encounter them,
- An all-new optional unit on understanding digital logic, the “language” which modern gadgets (from digital alarm clock displays to computer processors) use to function.
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